Daily Star

Tories ditch levelling up to help rich


❑ so tory policy of levelling up, the mini budget, has put pay 2 that.


❑ Chancellor, I have £2-82. Left in my pocket, do you want me to send it to you.


❑ People are saying great tax cuts it’s time, well read further into it, you get it but it’s worth nothing as interest rates mortgage rate rise takes more than that, and at the end of it tax will be paid on all wages at 40% not the low rate, wake up people. Rich getting richer.

Stockton jeff

❑ The girl next door 2 me was tellin me she got 2 choose 2 heat or feed or clothes her kids. These kids goin without but will b saddled with this goverment’s borrowin when they’re older, how’s that fair? Julie Liverpool

❑ if labour are so enraged about chancellor tax cut for top 1 per cent give money to charity, go on sir keir.

tim pittway

❑ What the hell was that load of crap from the Tories? Easier way to plug some money holes... Stop Health tourism... no insurance no entry and no treatment. This is UK NHS not World NHS. Stop illegal immigratio­n it will stop all the benefits costs that go to it. Deal more severely with benefit cheats and liars and put them back in the work place. Loophole in state pension... ex pats can pay up 40 years of missing contributi­ons as my sister from Canada has and she will now get a full pension. Aid to China Pakistan and India when India have moved in front of us as worlds 5th richest economy. House of Lords on £300 a day for sleeping on the job. MPs second home expenses. I could go on but...

Betty Boo

❑ The mini budget a joke, the pound plummeted to a new low. That’s because the markets live in the real world and don’t listen to the tory sh#*e we have to and that making people on benefits do more is pure vindictive. If they think sanctionin­g a few benefits will make up for the money they’ve just gave their rich mates then they’re much mistaken.


❑ Well it comes as no surprise that this Tory Goverment have made the wealthy more wealthy and Sod the rest of the British public. The sooner the Electorate can vote this greed ridden Goverment out of office the better. Make the best of your time in No10 PM Lizzy because Tory party will be yesterday’s Fish and Chip paper after the next General Election, the clocks now ticking on your demise.


❑ New chancellor same old backward policies! Businesses are governed by supply and demand what is the good of giving them money to expand production when you are not giving us the people more money to spend to create the demand for more goods? It’s back to the drawing board with a new set of advisors methinks before our country sinks!

Alan in Teesdale

❑ Fracking hell! if they start fracking up scotland there could be a whole new meaning to the words ‘quaker oats’


❑ Mad Vlad: the next thing you know he’ll be nominating himself for this years peace prize. One of his own need to take him out for everyones safety.


❑ Exodus of russians seeking to escape putin’s call up to fight his illegal war: The host countries should be careful, russia has a nasty record for invading enclaves containing ethnic russians to “protect” them, be warned.

nj mac.

❑ I was disgusted with Ward’s Wagers column describing the late Queen as a pensioner being wheeled round the country in a box. Have some bl***y respect.

Lizzy C.

❑ Golden rule – never confuse show business with honourable duty.

Kit Leeds

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■ pic of nina dobrev pls. dyl in barnsley

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