Daily Star

Littlle horrors


★ THESE kids really will keep you up all night! A new Sky comedyhorr­or show called The Baby follows a woman who gets lumbered with a little ’un when it – literally – drops out of thin air.

★ But after a series of deaths and sinister events, Natasha – played by Michelle De Swarte – begins to believe there might be an evil side lurking under the baby’s cute exterior.

★ Creepy children have often provided scares on screen – and here NADINE LINGE looks at the infants who prove the kids are all fright!


A baby so scary, you don’t actually see it on screen. He is the spawn of the devil, conceived with Mia Farrow’s character. The end of the 1968 film sees the horrified Rosemary see him for the first time and ask what is wrong with his eyes. She is told the child is “Adrian, Satan’s son”.

Scary fact: When Rosemary eats raw liver for the baby, that’s real liver Farrow is chomping

– despite being a vegetarian.


The death of Allison and Sick Boy’s baby due to druginduce­d neglect is one of the most tragic moments in this 1996 film. Later Renton, played by Ewan McGregor, hallucinat­es as he goes cold turkey and sees baby Dawn crawling across the ceiling before her head turns 180 degrees.

Scary fact: Dawn was played by one-yearold twins Devon and Lauren

Lamb. They were allowed to see a very heavily edited version of the film when they were six.


After his baby dies at birth, Robert Thorn is persuaded to adopt another child – but wild-eyed Damien turns out to be the Antichrist. The chilling last scene sees the demonic child turn and smile at the camera. Scary fact: Harvey Stephens (left) got the role after director Richard Donner asked auditionin­g kids to attack him – the four-year-old punched him in the groin.


This vampire/human hybrid isn’t evil, just very scary as she grows up superquick­ly and romances a werewolf.

Scary fact: A creepy-looking doll made to portray the character never made the final

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