Daily Star

The greedy and wealthy treat us with contempt


just read about the politician­s and billionair­es defrauding us right left and centre. If they are not made to pay it all back it shows that they think we are a nonentity. Wrong – at least we are honest. PENNY

Now Pandora’s Box is open it will reveal how the elite wealthy are up to their necks in corruption and sleaze. These odious individual­s make the Mafia look like children stealing from a sweet shop. How much longer are the decent citizens going to tolerate this greed and corruption by the super rich. Of course the Tory coffers are bulging with a half million donation from a wealthy donor but it won’t help them come the next General Election. Tod

Champagne socialists Blair and wife at it again, as leader of the Labour Party his first speech was to target millionair­es who could afford accountant­s to bypass the taxing system now this multi millionair­e couple find a way to avoid stamp duty, his hypocrisy is beyond belief. Bry Anglesey

The misguided who voted the corrupt and heartless Tories into power over Brexit now have to pay the price. The real shame is that those who didn’t must suffer too. Realist Dave

well well well! Want to know more about the conservati­ve party!? Just open ‘pandoras box’ or in this instance ‘pandoras papers’! Naughty naughty! robtin

I watched ‘blair & brown: the new labour revolution’ and u could c 35yrs ago what a moneygrabb­ing, toad blair was going to be. jennifer trimm, whitley bay

no waggon drivers, no fruit pickers, now no builders, why, let me think is it possible – because the government are paying them to stay at home. When I was a young chap I enjoyed going to work and working hard with my mates getting a wage on Friday my money I had earned what is wrong with the youth of today? Alphaone Selby

Insulate Britain founder Roger Hallam says that “he would block an ambulance carrying a dying patient”. This proves that these selfish eco-nuts have no morals. What if the dying patient in the ambulance was a relative of Mr. Hallam? Dave Pinfold, Stockport.

so Hallam the insulate our homes protester admits he wud block a dying patient in an ambulance. What a weirdo he is. Arrest & charge him. Bolton Bird

Absolute eco moron idiots totally heartless, let’s not mess around bring out water cannons now! That will soon shift them an give a soaking, the sooner the better they’re prats. carol hudds

Got a great way to make a fortune off those protestors. Find out where the next protest is then set up a stand selling air horns. See how long they can last with being blasted by 10 of them and let them feel what being annoyed really feels like. Chris Rees

Road protesters if they won’t move and somebody dies they should b charged with manslaught­er. Tedg

roger the soap dodger hallam admits he would block an ambulance with a dying person in it. I wud love 2 put my size 9 boot up his daft a$$. pamplemoos­e

Ginny P: Last year we even had some moron letting of a barrage of fireworks during the weekly clap for carers. Teddie Pye

Just shows how sad our lives have become. Facebook, Watsapp and Instagram out of action for just 6 hours and you’d think the world has ended. Dave Cornwall

Louise Caplan, 34, swindles 2-5 million faces 7yrs prison. Train robbers got 30yrs, for stealing 2-5 million at leathersla­de, bucks. Why louise caplan will get a lesser sentence? Maverick

after ten yrs in the forces I was dismissed from service three mnths banged up and loss of nine served pension. So how come a copper gets full life for horrendous crime and is entitled to a thrd of his pension. My sin – awol. anon

sign outside a church said “jesus saves” so I wrote “not on my wages he wouldn’t”.

 ?? ?? Léa Seydoux is fantastic in NO TIME TO DIE. Now have you got time to print a picture of her please. Thanks. Colin from kent
Léa Seydoux is fantastic in NO TIME TO DIE. Now have you got time to print a picture of her please. Thanks. Colin from kent

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