Daily Star

Everyone has right to choose their own style


■ any chance we can see the beautiful sair khan from corrie. benji


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Florence Pugh, please stop apologisin­g for your hairstyle, you can wear your hair in any way you want, it is your hair. I worked in Africa, India and Pakistan for nine years and I never met a woman who was a natural blonde or redhead. This is your hair, your body and your choice and you have NOTHING to reproach yourself for. John Oldham

so florence Pugh apologises over hair in corn rows, I shake my head, they’ll be apologisin­g next for having a perm, it’s a fecking hair style! frankie 5 fags Leeds

Florence Pugh apologies for cornrow, who is next Bo Derek, David Beckham? man from t north

how on earth can Lewis Hamilton go on about how hard life is for him in England? The spoilt brat left England as soon as he made his money! It’s not your colour that people dislike it’s your cocky attitude! Johnny joiner

Eastenders will get giant mural as tribute 2 black lives matter 2 reflect the events taking place in real world. Pity the same can’t b said about the over the top story lines in all of the soaps. newy

I’m furious with the people in this country, protest marches, street partys and raves, mass beach outings. There’s a rise in covid 19, this disease is a killer. jim

sorry Leicester if u had done what the government asked you to do you wouldnt be back in lockdown again. Pauline Liverpool

leicester virus surge – tory tortoise too slow in moving yet again! matt cockhanded needs a wake up call! DOC MARTEN

Boris needs to address the nation on television and tell people that although restrictio­ns have been lifted, the virus is still out there, and has possible life threatenin­g consequenc­es. stop having the “I won’t catch it attitude”. Andy

it is not Boris’s fault that covid-19 has killed so many people in the UK. Just look at all the countries that went into early lockdown they now have a second wave so no matter what you do covid19 will affect everywhere.


good 4 watford standing by their morals & axing morons andre gray, nathaniel chalobah & domingos quina for breaking the lockdown rules. clive sweeney, basildon

It’s not Boris who is pm it’s that dictator Cummings who is running things, Boris is too clueless to run a school tuck shop. THE PLEB

I am not a racist but after reading the wurzel statue being vandalized what next? Burning books like in nazi Germany.

June lane

rat infestatio­ns: Many of us can’t afford pest control firms. Try the following Old Wives remedies. Mustard and/ or golden syrup down burrows, their pack members eat their food covered cousins. Feed foxes. Ours hav caught 6. Previously under our home, there r little or no rats now. No poison endangerin­g pets & other wildlife either. Lily the pink

reading the story about the hedgehog biting a little girl in bed reminded me of the night 28 yrs ago that our daughter came running into our bedroom to tell us there was a hedgehog in her room. And yes there was, it was an adult from our family in the garden! And our stairs are steep. Ollie’s mum

Text Maniacs is becoming a bore. Every day, for weeks, all we get is complaints about lockdown breakers. It’s time to move on and get some decent discourse going. What more can we say about these people that has not already been said. Very little, I fancy. Fresh comments about other subjects is what is required! Arthur, Glasgow.

OK then Arthur. You go first... Ed

In todays d/star. fred futtock mentions about winifred atwell, russ conway & joe henderson as being great violinsts, wot rot they all played the piano. Ted (papa bear) pagdin me his My mate told out two wife had gone some milk days ago for back home and not come “What have yet. I said:

He said: you done?” some “Luckily I had long life in.”

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