Daily Star




A £4MILLION appeal to buy equipment to help save the lives of seriously ill children has reached the half-way stage because of a bookmaker.

Betfred boss Fred Done donated all profits, £1.25million, from over-the-counter bets made on Tuesday to the iMRI Appeal.


Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital is raising cash to buy the state-ofthe-art scanner to help children with brain conditions.

Tuesday saw the first day of the Cheltenham Festival, while Manchester City also played Schalke in the Champion’s League.


Fred, 75, who lost his wife Mo last year after she was diagnosed with a brain tumour, turned up at the hospital yesterday for a surprise presentati­on.

He said: “It is truly humbling that I have been able to help with this appeal for much-needed equipment.


“There could not have been a better result for the scanner appeal than the Cheltenham Festival on Tuesday.

“From my own sad experience, I know how important it is to have world-class equipment available to help save the lives of your loved ones.


“The new scanner will save the lives of seriously ill children brought to Manchester from all over the country and that is a fitting tribute to Mo’s memory.

“I feel privileged that I have been able to help.”


He said the NHS was the “one undisputed winner” at the festival. He added: “I felt as if my wife had sent a message to God to look after the children. “While she is at it, she might as well have a word with him because it could get me into heaven. That’s the only way I will get in that’s for sure.”

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