Daily Star

Don't let your skin colour define you


HAPPY Halloween everyone. I hope you’re having a spooky time carving pumpkins, bobbing for apples and scaring kids.

Well maybe not the last one. But hey, some of those trick or treating brats can be a bit, um, rude and spoilt, can’t they?

And funnily enough not one of the Haribo-hungry little darlings at our door appreciate­d the nice fresh apples we treated them to. Who’d have thought? But joking aside folks, it’s really not a good idea to be nasty to nippers. Much more fun to try to terrify us adults.

Which is working quite nicely, especially when it comes to playing the race card.

Nope you won’t find it in the Tarot pack but in the clammy hand of everyone who wants to make life so PC the rest of us run screaming in horror.

So where do we start? Well, with the bloke on the train who was heading to a Halloween Party dressed as Samuel L. Jackson’s character from Pulp Fiction.

Yeah, strange choice I know, but the point is the man in question was white. And in the name of accuracy he’d blacked up his face.

Cue several mortallyof­fended types filming him, putting him on social meeja and accusing him of being the next Hitler.

Then we have poor Hindu shopkeeper Apu being axed from The Simpsons because joyless zealots say he’s a racist caricature.

Most Asians appear to think he’s just funny.

Plus he was actually the most positive character in the show!

And where does that leave Homer himself ? Blatant Yellowism.

But back to Halloween and if you dare paint your face as a sugar skull today you’re culturally appropriat­ing Mexico’s Day of the Dead.

Jeez, pass the sombrero. Meanwhile, my mate’s little boy wanted to dress as a ghost. He’s mixed race.

Would his mum have been wrong to paint his face white? Somebody would have probably thought so. Which is such a shame cos he’s just a kid and the last things kids see is colour.

They just see other children. Weirdly though because of our determinat­ion to, rightly, destroy racism we’re encouragin­g those untainted by it to think the colour of your skin matters.

The most shocking example of the race card being played though came this week in connection to the terrible tragedy of the Leicester City football club helicopter clash.

Five people lost their lives including the Foxes much loved owner Vichai Srivaddhan­aprabha and our thoughts and prayers should be with everyone involved.

The City fans have been outstandin­g in their dignified response, as have the players.

Because, unlike many other football bosses, Vichai genuinely cared.

Not only did this selfmade millionair­e guide the club to Premier League glory but he also loved the city, giving £2million to a new children’s hospital.

So why on earth did the columnist and broadcaste­r Yasmin Alibhai-Brown see fit to tweet about Vichai’s race?

I have no idea what she thought it would achieve but the very fact that she was trying to score political points out of this appalling disaster makes me feel physically sick.

What sort of person hears of something like this and immediatel­y links it to race rather than the natural human reaction of sadness and compassion for the bereaved?

People are just people for God’s sake and the most racist people today are the ones who always imply the colour of a person’s skin is the thing that defines their very existence. It doesn’t.

So if you don’t mind I’m going to take my group of little ghosts (of all colours) out, dressed as a Day of the Dead skeleton (albeit a slightly yellowing one) and hope that there’s some trick or treat Wine Gums and Jelly Babies left.

Especially the black ones.

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