Daily Star



PEOPLE will spend more time enjoying al fresco barbecues than pulling up weeds this weekend.

More than 70% of Brits think it is more important to relax in the garden than to tend it, a survey reveals.

And more than 60% of us say that eating outdoors brings family and friends together.

Families across the country are planning barbecue parties today to enjoy the warm weather.

And with the World

Cup due to start in three weeks, an estimated 12million householde­rs are predicted to host barbecues during the tournament.

More than a third of homeowners will invite family, friends and neighbours over to enjoy a delicious meal outdoors, the study by luxury garden furniture suppliers, Kettler has found.

But gone are the days when all the family used to sit on the grass on a picnic blanket or sunbed.

People are now opting for a stylish outdoor space featuring garden furniture – and 70% of us now consider this to be more desirable than a well-designed garden. Outdoor dining and entertaini­ng is now the UK’s number one summer home activity, with three in four households owning some type of barbecue grill. Statistics show we hold four times as many barbecues as 10 years ago. And developers say an outdoor patio area is considered more of an asset when selling a home than a garden.

Paul Bevington, managing director at Kettler, said: “As the weather hots up now is the perfect opportunit­y to enjoy quality time al fresco with family and friends.”

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