Daily Star

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England fans complainin­g about the new away shirts making them look like Scotland – well the past three tournament­s they’ve been playing like Scotland so why not? Are we Scotland in disguise. TIGER FROM MELTON Hey up! Here we go again has Stella McCartney designed the new England away strip. There is no scrap of BLUE in the flag of St George just RED and WHITE, sort it. bob the brit I wonder how many Scots are at the FA, you’ll never see a Scotland team in white. Alfie Why are we having the death of McGuinness rammed down our throats – we all know what he got away with and showed no remorse or forgivenes­s. GRAFTER he was responsibl­e for the deaths of babies, children and innocents. Martin Mcguinness rot in hell. Spud how come chuck berry dies and it’s on the news all weekend saying death if a legend when it also says he did time in jail for armed robbery and immorality with a 14 year old girl, where as the likes of max cliiford and rolf harris etc are serving lengthy jail sentences for similar things – seems like double standards. Anon all u people heroworshi­pping berry, do u also av the same affection 4 adam johnson? The man was convicted of immoral relations with a 14 yr old child. Bantaman All this fuss over Vera Lynn turning 100. Anyone would think she won the war single handedly. J Beal I hardly watch any tv progs as its nearly all rubbish but I put ITV news on Mon for Vera Lynn 100th birthday, not one word about it. Disgusting ITV. Geoff article in yesterdays Star. People turn into their parents at the age of 30. Does that mean I’m gonna have a bald head and a beer belly like me Dad? Mary M Doncaster british men most romantic!? Not my practical partner who wooed me with trip to paddys market in barrowland­s 27 yrs ago and on birthdays since given me two doors, a budgie no one wanted, a belt sander, slow cooker and a lot of scottish cheek! After 25 yrs I wait in anticipati­on for flowers and get strawberry plants to grow me own jam! But we stuc together thru thick and thin, that romantic enuf ! Lily the pink The fact us Brits spend twice as much on a date as other countries doesn’t mean we’re more romantic. It just shows what a rip-off most British restaurant­s are compared to ones across Europe. Den, Preston anyone else noticed how quiet the government have been about the new vehicle excise duty bands due on the 1st of April? A new BMW M3 will pay £2000 for the first year. What are they going to do with all the extra revenue? I bet it won’t be spent on our crumbling third world roads. Another rip off by this sleazy Tory government. Willie Graham, Bristol Instead of having elections, why not pick MPs annually, like jury members (ie - if you are right age, ya name’s in da hat! fined if you don’t turn up) I would happily do 1 year as MP on their money & perks; and if I’m no good I will be replaced in a few months anyway, so no harm done. And it would save a fortune in administra­tion. REALISTIC BANDMAN If MPs can have up to or more than 6 jobs then the pay of MPs should be cut because it is clear they have too much time. The one and only job if you are an MP should be to look after your constituen­ts who sent you to parliament. Mind you work they call it when it is far from work and if MPs were on a production line for 12 hours they would really be working and not have time to do six jobs. Jeoff, leeds Osborne £650,000 for 1 day week is grotesque. JASPER where is osborne getting the time for all his jobs and parliametr­y duties? kerry s MP with 6 jobs – what about all these TV presenters on all channels every day, pure greed. tubby leven Does anyone else think George Osborne looks like Blackadder­s Rowan Atkinson? Maybe he has a Cunning Plan, perchance?! I.K So Tony Blair had no idea how many migrants would arrive when he opened our borders. Everyone else did. LIAR. ANNE FIELD The fall of the pound since Brexit is responsibl­e for increasing inflation. This will hit the UK hard because like it or not, the UK imports more than half of its food from abroad. The Chancellor didn’t even mention Brexit in his budget. This confirms the Tories do not have any real plan for Brexit. Seabird It is with a sad and heavy heart I am sending this to say goodbye from my lovely dad, one of your avid readers and text maniacs THE THINKING OLD MAN sadly passed away on February 26th 2017 Rest In Peace. Dave Beard Kerry Katona only sold 35 tickets for her one women show! that’s 34 more than I expected. KITKAT What a legend sara cox raising about 600,000 doing her 24hr danceathon. sara is a legend a REAL person who cares, go girl! Stevie, m/well Sara Cox does my fruit in, but kudos for her 24 hour charity dance. PUBLUNCH what a shame bake off could not get French and Saunders they would have been great on that show because everything else they have done has been brilliant. Lee hambleton, Sheffield So someone legally gets to set a dog on Jeremy Kyle on TV and he’s flipping wearing padding. Proof we don’t live in a just society. PHANTOM TEXTER So Mary Berry managed to wangle getting her husband Paul on her show Mary Berry Everyday. No wonder she says she’s loyal to the BBC. LEO F what a brilliant idea, dave dock. I would defo buy a dvd of HOLLY’S clangers on this morning, so many of them over the years. what a great xmas pres. TOPPER Am I the only one who doesn’t love Raymond? funky why is abbreviati­on such a long word? big dave osborne, prince the dog and family TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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