Daily Star


No Joss-hing Foreign stuff ‘is more fun’

- By JOE KASPER joe.kasper@dailystar.co.uk

Hot TV: Page 26

PIZZAS have been voted the UK’s best import – pipping chocolate and Google to the number one spot.

Tea, Chinese food and Facebook are all in the top 10 of 50 foreign imports Brits have taken to their hearts.

A study into the things which have become part of our lives shows burgers, sushi and kebabs are all staples.

Disney, Apple and Indian food all have a permanent place in British culture too, alongside the Hollywood stars Jennifer Aniston and George Clooney.

A massive 95% of the population agree 6 Facebook 7 Burgers 8 Netflix 9 Coffee 10 Fries ® the UK is a better place for its culturally diverse nature and 90% said life in this country is “more fun” thanks to foreign influences.

The study also found we have adopted Mexican burritos, croissants and The Simpsons since they first arrived on our shores.

Coffee, French fries and the smash hit US TV series Friends are now considered valued pieces of Britain’s rich social tapestry, according to the survey.

Social media app Snapchat also made the list, along with yoga and vodka.

A spokesman for Greggs, which carried out the research to mark its new burrito range, said: “Food and drink has always played a very important part in British culture.

“So it’s no surprise to see the popularity of internatio­nallyinspi­red eats among the top imports.”

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