Daily Star

Stars tweet their shock


TELLY and radio star Richard Bacon said he was “so sad” at the Brexit result as celebs took to Twitter to express their shock.

The former Blue Peter host moaned: “It’s so inward looking. Small. So ungrateful to Eastern European immigrants.”

Match Of The Day presenter Gary Lineker urged calm. He said: “It’s not a time for triumphali­sm. Not a time for division… it’s a time for change.

“A time for calm. A time in history.”

In Scotland, a Remain stronghold, Harry Potter author JK Rowling said she did not think she had “ever wanted magic more” following the voting result.

Motormouth Jeremy Clarkson said: “Right. We should have 24 hours of despair and moaning, and then we will all have to roll up our sleeves and make this s*** shower work.”

The result confused comic James Corden, who hosts The Late Late Show in the United States. He tweeted: “I can’t get my head around what’s happening in Britain.”

Pop babe Ellie Goulding was “heartbroke­n to hear the news”, while golfer Rory McIlroy told his followers he wanted to have “a mulligan on 2016” – a reference to the golfing term meaning another shot. MAGIC: JK Rowling NATHAN Goldthorpe, 30, a call centre manager from Blackpool, said: “I voted out so today is a day of celebratio­n for me. But I hope we see Labour back in power. It can’t be Boris.” WINDOW dresser Ann Wickberg, 66, from Widnes, Cheshire, voted in. She said: “We need to recover from the shock and unite because at the moment we are arguing among ourselves.” REBWAR Jabar, 28, right, a student, voted out. He said: “Hope is something that a human being is able to create and I think that Britain is both able and capable to create a better future.” Isabel Farrell, 75, voted to remain: “We live in France a lot of the time and our French friends were hoping we would stay. Some even told us: ‘If you leave, you’ll be sorry.’” ARTY Jetumaji, 20, a criminolog­y student, voted to remain: “I’d like to think that everything works out but I am slightly worried about the economy – and who will be the next leader of the country.” NURSE Bethany Dark, 22, voted remain: “I don’t want the country to split in half. Immigratio­n was never an issue for me. That’s a reason why people voted to leave.”

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SEE THE FUNNY SIDE: Some of the memes posted online after the vote SAD: TV’s Richard PENSIONER James Birchall, 66, from Wigan, voted out. He said: “We have got to move forward. The people have spoken. It is obvious that the big thing that needs to be...
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