Daily Star


Farage looks set to give Cam kick in the ballots

- gary.nicks@dailystar.co.uk by GARY NICKS, Political Editor

Derbyshire, Lancashire and Warwickshi­re.

There were signs Ukip was making big inroads in the Midlands, southeast and south-west.

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said:“You know, we have been beaten by Ukip before in the polls.

“What I am saying is that these things come and go in politics and I’ve seen them in my time come and go.” But Ukip was hit by yet another scandal yesterday after one of its members posted anti-Muslim jokes on Facebook.

Pensioner Tony Nixon, from Guisboroug­h, North Yorks, has since been suspended.

A Ukip spokesman said: “We are shocked to learn about the views of Tony Nixon expressed on Facebook.” DAVID Cameron was last night braced for a local elections kicking from Ukip.

Surging support for Nigel Farage’s anti-EU party could see the Tories lose 500 councillor­s and push the Lib Dems into a disastrous fourth place.

Early indication­s suggested Ukip will chalk up sweeping gains as voters swing behind its tough policies on Europe and immigratio­n.

Around 2,400 seats on 35 mainly Tory-run county councils were up for grabs with bookies tipping Mr Farage’s “Kippers” candidates to seize around 100.

Ed Miliband could pick up more than 300 for Labour but failure to make any sizeable impact will raise more doubts over his leadership. Ukip were expected to snatch second place in the South Shields by-election for David Mili band’s safe Labour seat after a “dramatic collapse” in the Tory vote.

Sources suggest the Lib Dems even faced losing their deposit.

Most of the results should be known by midday today, with Labour under pressure to win Nottingham­shire,

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STORM: Tony Nixon

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