Daily Record

Shamed andrew taking the lead

Anger over strutting display at memorial for Greek king

- By cHRiSToPHe­R BUcKTiN and RUSSell MyeRS

a Jeffrey epstein victim last night told of her anger as the paedophile’s pal Prince andrew was seen in public strutting at the head of a royal party without a care.

The disgraced Duke of York yesterday led his family into a church to celebrate the life of the late King Constantin­e of Greece after Prince William pulled out for “personal reasons” and Charles continued to have cancer treatment.

Andrew’s limelight-grabbing stunt came two years after he paid

out a reported £12million to Epstein’s “sex slave” Virginia Giuffre after denying he slept with her when she was 17 and was later stripped of royal titles.

And judging by his beaming smile, the 64-year-old seemingly misjudged the fury of the nation over his links to the seedy US financier before his death.

Andrew arrived at the service at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle with ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, who once accepted a £15,000 off the paedophile.

Although it was a private family event, the Duke’s breezy, carefree appearance was not lost on watchers. And the Epstein victim, who was abused while still at school, said from her Florida home: “Anyone looking at those images would think Andrew had not done a damn thing wrong.

“His Cheshire cat-like grin is galling. For years, we held onto the belief that we wouldn’t have to suffer this prince.

“It is shameful. It does not matter that this was a family event. It was open for all the world to see that he led the royals into the service.

“This appearance feels like he is openly rubbing salt into a wound that has never been allowed to heal.”

US attorney Spencer Kuvin, who has represente­d Epstein victims, added: “While the medical issues within the Royal Family are sad, Andrew being seen at such an event is an insult to the victims of Epstein worldwide. Even though this was a family event, the message his appearance sends to the world is one that he is being acc-epted back into royal life. It should never be allowed to happen.”

The attorney said that he hoped Andrew’s attendance at the private ceremony would not one day lead to something.

Majesty Magazine editor in chief Ingrid Seward said: “Andrew doesn’t have a chance of getting back into the royal fold, the King and Prince William have made that clear, so it is extraordin­ary to see him front and centre considerin­g protocol is so important to the Royal Family.”

In contrast to Andrew’s public display, Queen Camilla was driven to the church and entered by a side door.

The Prince was stripped of his HRH and military titles by the Queen over his civil sex case payout. He has not attended an official royal event since the King’s Coronation last May.

Princess Anne, husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence and Zara and Mike Tindall were also in the party led by Andrew.

Charles, 75, stayed at Windsor the night before the thanksgivi­ng service for Constantin­e, who died aged 82 in January last year, and was later spotted at Clarence House in London.

 ?? ?? wHaT a fRoNT Disgraced Prince Andrew leads the Royals into church
wHaT a fRoNT Disgraced Prince Andrew leads the Royals into church
 ?? ?? wave of SUPPoRT King Charles in London
wave of SUPPoRT King Charles in London
 ?? ?? SiDe DooR Queen Camilla
SiDe DooR Queen Camilla

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