Daily Record

Dementia footballer­s cash fight boost

Industrial injury rights a step closer

- BY PAUL HUTCHEON Political Editor

RETIRED footballer­s with dementia are a step closer to receiving special benefit payments.

SNP, Labour and Tory politician­s have secured a summit to make their case directly to the UK Government and injury experts. Ex-footballer­s are much more likely to die of degenerati­ve brain disease due to heading the ball, studies have found. And defenders are five times more likely to have dementia than non-footballer­s. Labour MSP Michael Marra has led a campaign, backed by Sir Alex Ferguson, calling on the Scottish Government to classify such cases as industrial injuries.

MPs have also put pressure on the UK Government to act through the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council, which advises on payments.

SNP MPs Chris Stephens and Ian Blackford, Labour’s Grahame Morris and Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross wrote to IIAC chair Dr Lesley Ruston highlighti­ng the hardship many ex-footballer­s and their families face. They said: “There is a sense of urgency required in reaching a determinat­ion on these cases being characteri­sed as industrial injuries.”

Dr Ruston agreed to a meeting, which will also be attended by the DWP.

Marra said: “As IIAC take the first steps in the right direction, it is time for the Scottish Government to accept that indisputab­le science, commit to providing the support that those ex-pros need and the process to deliver it.” It comes after Scotland hero Gordon McQueen, 70, passed away from dementia.

His brother Iain told the Record: “Gordon scored 30 or 40 goals in his career and the bulk of them were headers. Now you say, ‘Was it worth it?’”

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 ?? ?? HeRo Gordon McQueen. Right, MsP Michael Marra and MP chris stevens
HeRo Gordon McQueen. Right, MsP Michael Marra and MP chris stevens

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