Daily Record

I was beaten up by a road rager.. and the cops gave ME a ticket


A DELIVERY driver who claims he was viciously kicked in the head after being “attacked by a road rage driver” has slammed police after they gave him a recorded caution instead.

James McGoldrick called officers for help after being followed by a man who had earlier cut him off on the road while he was on his way to drop off food in East Kilbride last November.

The 59-year-old claims he was knocked to the ground and repeatedly punched and kicked by the man as he tried to defend himself.

But James, who is also a carer for his partner, claims that Police Scotland officers did not arrive at his home to take a statement until two days after the incident – and that they failed to record any informatio­n about his injuries.

After around two weeks without contact from cops, the dad of two says officers then turned up at his partner’s home and slapped him with a formal police caution while allegedly stating that he had just “been in a fight and lost”.

James claims that police officers said he had ‘just been in a fight and lost’

James, who believes he is a victim of injustice, said: “I ended up with a concussion but they’re trying to say it was a wee stramash.

“My arms were bruised for about nine weeks after it. I told the police what had happened thinking that they’d be able to do something as I’d managed to get the vehicle registrati­on.

“It has all turned out to be an absolute nightmare because, about 16 days later, the police came back out and threw what turned out to be a caution letter on to the table. They said the only reason I called 101 was because I had been beaten up.

“I’ve got osteoarthr­itis in my hips, shoulders and knees. The last thing I want to do is get into a fight with someone who is far younger than me that looked about 18 stone.

“I just want an easy life, I don’t want to be fighting anybody.

I’ve done almost 50,000 deliveries and I’ve never fought anybody. You come across idiots on the road all the time and sometimes you have to beep your horn. But I’ve never been followed or attacked before. It’s an injustice.”

Despite being warned he faced prosecutio­n, James appealed the caution. He added: “I never got anywhere. I complained about the police officers because they were completely unsympathe­tic and didn’t take any details about my injuries or ask how I was.

“I’ve spoken to the people who I was delivering the food to several times since then because they’re regulars, but they said the police have never been to their door. The fact is that I was followed and attacked by someone who was unknown to me. The whole thing has been whitewashe­d.

“I’ve not been able to sleep. I honestly believe I could’ve been killed. It’s affected my relationsh­ip with people and I just think I’ve been treated absolutely disgracefu­lly by the police. Why would I appeal the caution and face being charged if I was guilty? Because I appealed it, it went to the procurator fiscal who didn’t charge me. It just doesn’t make any sense.”

Police Scotland confirmed that both men were given Recorded Police Warnings following the incident in McCallum Court, East Kilbride.

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 ?? ?? INJURIES James McGoldrick shows a scar on his head, left, and a gaping wound inside his lower lip
INJURIES James McGoldrick shows a scar on his head, left, and a gaping wound inside his lower lip
James with the Recorded Police Warning he received
CAUTIONED James with the Recorded Police Warning he received

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