Daily Record

Window into others’ homes is so addictive


THERE’S nothing quite like having a nosey in other people’s houses.

Since the cringewort­hy days of Changing Rooms, as a nation we love the chance to tour the most private spaces of others and, let’s be honest, judge their taste in decor.

Pink, geometric shapes emblazoned on walls? Dear Lord, what were they thinking? Gleaming tiles that bear a slight resemblanc­e to the ones you picked out yourself? Well, clearly this person has some taste…

Interior design TV has had us hooked for decades – and there is one show that has everyone from John o’ Groats to Johnstone talking.

Scotland’s Home of the Year, which is now on BBC One, gets more popular each year as we tune in to judge those brave enough to say their taste is better than everyone else’s.

If often features homes of incredible architectu­ral beauty and, in many cases, sheer scale. It feels like we’re getting a sneak peek at someone who has won the house lottery – and it’s less about their taste and more about the contents of their bank account.

But, occasional­ly, it throws up a house diminutive in size or grandeur but bursting with character. In short, the kind of place you wish you came home to at night, and design ideas you could only dream of conjuring up from a trip to B&Q.

It’s funny how a programme that allows you to judge other people’s homes from afar can leave you feeling superior one minute and totally lacking in imaginatio­n the next.

Having moved into our wee flat just over a year ago, I’ll admit the decorating train has slowed a bit. We made a lot of changes when we first picked up those keys – new windows, a lick of paint and a fresh kitchen (after I stamped my feet about the old one).

That little kitchen is my happy space, and I’m delighted to scrub it until it’s gleaming. Never before have I felt like I really owned a room and I’ll be damned if it’s getting clogged up with grease any time soon.

Still, there are the bits you apologise about when visitors come. “Don’t worry, we’re replacing those doors,” I say, as if my pals care about the coloured glass monstrosit­ies.

So, I can’t help but marvel at those brave enough to put their homes, their safe spaces, on national TV. Do they not have that one last job to finish first? The lick of paint on the skirting boards? A rejig of the giant giraffe dangling a disco ball from its mouth over a gold roll-top bath? If you know, you know…

Whether it’s submitting your decor for TV scrutiny or setting up an interior design Instagram account, fair play to those who know what they like.

Just don’t give your house a stupid name, with its own made-up spelling. This armchair judge will only mark you down…

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