Daily Record

Don’t get hangry... get snacking

Many of us get hungry and angry while trying to stick to our diets but there is no need to turn into a grump with these tips on how to snack sensibly and stick to your healthy eating goals


KEEP ‘hanger’ at bay by snacking sensibly. While the word itself was only added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2018, feeling ‘hangry’ is an age-old problem.

That specific combinatio­n of hunger and anger – the kind that can only be cured by devouring food, glorious, food - is enough to turn even the most sweettempe­red person into a raging monster.

According to a new survey from WW, 86 per cent of people experience hanger, with 34 per cent saying they think about food more when they’re on a calorie controlled or restrictiv­e diet. But why does hunger produce an emotional reaction for so many of us?

“Similar to when people feel easily irritated when they have low energy due to lack of sleep, the lack of fuel from food can make you feel irritated and tired,” said Lifesum nutritioni­st Signe Svanfeldt.

The good news is there are lots of ways to keep hanger at bay without falling off the healthy eating bandwagon...

1 . Stock up on frozen fruit

“Frozen fruit and vegetables are quick, nutritious, cost-effective options to have on standby,” said GP and health coach Dr Helen Lawal.

You can buy bags of mixed berries that defrost quickly at room temperatur­e or with a quick blast in the microwave, or you can add them frozen to smoothies.

2 . Make sure meals are balanced

“Balanced meals make you feel fuller for longer and provide you with the nutrients needed to fuel your body,” said Svanfeldt, which is why it’s best to avoid carb-heavy dishes and ensure you get a good mix of “dietary fibres, healthy unsaturate­d fat and protein”. Lawal said: “Don’t fear unsaturate­d fat. The likes of avocados, nuts, olive oil, and oily fish have benefits and can make meals more satisfying.” 3 While you’re rustling up a balanced meal or healthy snack, double the portion size and save it for later, Lawal recommende­d. “Keep a stock in the fridge for hangry moments when you’re tempted to reach for the biscuit tin.”

. Double your dishes 4 . Bulk up with beans

Another way to feel satisfied for longer is by adding pulses such as kidney beans, chickpeas or lentils to recipes. “Keep your store cupboard stocked with a variety of tinned beans,” said Lawal. “Packed with protein and filling fibre, add to whatever meal you’re already cooking from curries to stews.”

5 . Bring your own snacks

Do you often succumb to sugary impulse purchases when you’re out and about? Svanfeldt said: “If you know that you’ll be on the run, make sure to always bring a nutritious snack in your bag so you have it available when the energy drops.”

6 . Get enough sleep

Find yourself snacking more when you’re tired? There’s a reason for that.

“Get good quality and enough sleep,” advised Lawal (according to the NHS, most adults need six to nine hours a night). “This affects hormones that control how hungry and full we feel.”

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