Daily Record

Time coffee chains experience­d sting


RESEARCH says that bees – just like humans – get a buzz from caffeine.

I now hope I spot one ordering a large latte from any high street coffee chain.

Just to see how THEY like being stung.

Talking of drinks, Scotland’s pubs, clubs and restaurant­s are facing major supply issues – with a shortage of beer and CO2 for the fizz in pints.

And it’s the CO2 I’m really worried about.

I mean, have you TRIED real ale…?

Here’s a lovely little story I noticed just before going on holiday. A book was returned to a library in Paisley more than 50 years late – with a £20 note and a handwritte­n letter inside saying: “Sorry.”

Amazing, eh? A library in Paisley?

● My wife said she’s kicking me out because of my obsession with Only Fools And Horses. “Okay,” I said, “I’ll fetch the suitcase from the van…” ● Accordion to a recent study, seven out of 10 people don’t notice when a word in a sentence is replaced by a musical instrument. ● Whatever you do, always give 100 per cent. Unless, of course, you’re donating blood. ● I kept saying: “No comment,” throughout my police interview. Which might explain why I didn’t get the job. ● Anyone who says their wedding was the best day of their life has obviously never had two Mars Bars fall down at once from a vending machine. ● We’ve just bought a bird of prey that only dances to 80s music at night. Our kestrel manoeuvres in the dark. ● My wife keeps saying I’m gullible and financiall­y irresponsi­ble. Wait ‘til she hears I’ve won the Nigerian lottery.

 ??  ?? SHORTAGE CO2 in pints of beer
SHORTAGE CO2 in pints of beer
 ??  ??

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