Daily Record

You’re all back fired



BBC1, 9pm

THIS greatest hits tour of the big business show is a reminder of how long we have been rolling our eyes at some utterly outrageous candidates.

It has been 15 years, and with no new series running this year due to Covid-19, this is a chance to look back at the highs and lows. From memorable characters and globetrott­ing antics to the terrifying boardroom grillings and squirmindu­cing failures, no entertaini­ng stone will be left unturned.

Lord Alan Sugar, Karren Brady and Claude Littner are interviewe­d, and look back at the show’s wheeler dealers and tasks from years past.

It all kicks off with a look at the biggest characters from the various series, with plenty of reminders of some of the more insane contestant brags. “I don’t just grab the bull by its horns, I put him in a headlock,” boasted Kayode, from Series 14.

You may remember him dressed as a sunflower.

“I’ve got a smile that can charge the national grid,” he added for good measure.

In Series 13, Michaela gave us some concerning informatio­n: “I’m like a bulldog, you mess with me, you will have lockjaw.” She was the one who developed issues with a robot named Jeffrii.

Elsewhere, Karthik, from Series 12, told us he was going to be Prime Minister.

No one has seen or heard from him since.

And there’s a reminder of that Series 2 powerhouse of persuasion, Ruth Badger.

“She was unbelievab­le,” says Lord Sugar. And for once, he means it in a good way…

 ??  ?? HIRES AND LOWS Kayode and Michaela left Lord Sugar gobsmacked
HIRES AND LOWS Kayode and Michaela left Lord Sugar gobsmacked

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