Daily Record

How to keep calm and carry on...

It’s easy to feel overwhelme­d at the moment. Here, psychologi­st Corinne Sweet reveals simple ways to reclaim your inner zen


PEACE means different things to different people. To some, it’s the absence of noise, to others it’s the absence of clutter. For many, it’s getting out in the fresh air.

In order to live more peacefully, we need to become aware of our actions, thoughts and reactions so we can start to break free of old habits. Just taking a couple of minutes to turn off your phone, put in earplugs and sit down quietly can interrupt the constant flow of demands and noise.

If you develop the habit of doing this regularly throughout the day, it can lower your blood pressure and heart rate, reduce anxiety, and focus your mind.

Just follow these simple steps to find your inner calm.

Put yourself first

A great deal of anxiety and unhappines­s comes because we fail to look after ourselves.

We need to notice when we are tired, hungry, too hot, too cold or unwell, and then take responsibi­lity for it. All too often we push aside the reality of our feelings as we have a job to finish, a house to run or a boss to impress. And we end up feeling worse as we have not paid attention to ourselves or our wellbeing.

Take a moment

Stop f or a moment, close your eyes and listen. What is going on in the room, the building and the street? What is going on in your head? Where is your attention?

Notice how your body feels as you become aware of what you are experienci­ng. Are you tense or relaxed? Comfortabl­e or alert?

Take in a deep breath through your nose and exhale. Repeat twice more, then open your eyes.

How do you feel? More peaceful?

Silent breakfast

Turn off all devices. Sit comfortabl­y and eat your breakfast in silence. If you have children, encourage them to enjoy a few moments of quiet, or calmly explain that you need a couple of minutes of peace, and sit separately. Taste the food, enj o y i ng the textures and flavours. Savour the moment and enjoy the sensation.

Create a power shield

With your eyes shut, imagine yourself wearing an invisible, sparkly cloak in your favourite colour.

Imagine it draped over your head, f lowing over your shoulders, down your body, over your knees to the floor.

You can see through it but no one can see you inside it. You are protected.

Spend two minutes savouring the colourful sparkles of your power shield and feel safe, protected and impenetrab­le.

You can put on your power shield in any situation, especially when dealing with difficult people.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Peace of mind means not giving ourselves a hard time when something doesn’t go our way.

For example, realising everything isn’t ruined just because you missed a train.

True peace of mind is about picking ourselves up and knowing we can move on calmly to the next thing, despite feelings of emotional upset. It’s about giving ourselves time to recover when we feel bad and being kind to ourselves as we would be towards someone else.

Defuse your anger

If you are feeling irritated or wound up by someone, find a quiet place, such as your bedroom or an empty meeting room.

Get a towel or a cushion, or roll up your jumper. Then bury your face in it and roar into the material, releasing your frustratio­n for a couple of minutes, before going back to face the person who is annoying you.

DIY massage

Take the thumb and forefinger of your right hand and get hold of the base of your left thumb. Pull your fingers towards the end of your thumb, making massaging movements as you do it. You need to be quite firm to really feel the benefit. Do the same action with the index finger, middle, ring and little finger. Swap hands and do the same with your right hand. Enjoy the soothing sensation. Extracted by Debbie Marco from 2 Minutes’ Peace, by Corinne Sweet (£12.99, Quercus)

Turn off devices and eat breakfast in silence

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