Daily Record

I Marvel at all superheroe­s, especially my idols Gary and Ricky

The EastEnders actor joined as Ben last April. He tells us about being part of the iconic Mitchell clan, what he likes tuning into – and getting family gossip about his acting idol...

- Max Bowden

What do you like watching?

All I’ve watched recently is old episodes of Hell’s Kitchen. It’s been cracking me up. I also watched Succession a while back, which is brilliant. And Disney+ has been a revelation. I was never into the Marvel films but I did all of them in about three days. How do you watch TV? I’m such a binge watcher. I’m so impatient. Honestly, I’m so bad. If EastEnders was a series, I’d have done it all in two weeks. Who’s in charge of the remote? My girlfriend Danielle calls it the telly ‘buttons’, which is wrong – so just because of that, I’m in charge. Do you still pinch yourself that you’re one of the Mitchells? Yeah , that would be the only EastEnders family I’d want to be in. It’s the one I remembered watching most. Growing up it was a big thing.

Have your family been on set?

My nan is my world, so I brought her and my Auntie Jenny to set. They loved it. Nan’s always coming up with nicknames for everyone and couldn’t help calling Linda Henry, who plays Shirley, ‘Shirl the pearl’. They got on brilliantl­y – Nan made Linda laugh a lot.

How’s life changed since you became a soap star?

This show has given me so much, profession­ally and personally. I met my partner on EastEnders.

Was acting always on the cards for you?

It was in the back of my mind, but I was an avid sportsman as well so there were several other hobbies. I played football, tennis, and I was really into running too. Now, I’m into boxing the most. But in my early teenage years, I started to think acting was what I wanted to do.

Who are your acting heroes?

Gary Oldman has always been my No1. I remember seeing Léon and thinking he was amazing. He’s the brother of my costar Laila Morse (Mo) so she’s told stories about him and I’m like, ‘You have no idea… that’s my hero’. I’d love to work with him. Who would make you starstuck? Me and my girlfriend talk about this, and I always say the only person I’d ever struggle being around is Ricky Gervais. I’m a huge fan.

‘My girlfriend calls the telly remote control the “buttons”... that’s just wrong’ Max Bowden

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