Daily Record

We must all learn from our mistakes

Author: He may talk about past gaffes


USING the word “P***” to talk to a friend and dressing up in a racist costume are two shameful incidents which Prince Harry is expected to publicly explain as his attitudes to equality have evolved with age.

The Duke of Sussex was forced to apologise after he faced severe criticism 15 years ago when pictured wearing a Nazi costume at a fancy dress party.

He was also filmed calling an Army friend a “P***” in footage recorded in 2006 but only made public three years later.

Now a Royal biographer has revealed Harry will soon be ready to open up about his personal “journey” to realise the error of his ways.

The prince is said to have been angered after witnessing the kind of racism his wife Megan suffers first-hand.

Last month, the Royal couple said the Commonweal­th “must acknowledg­e the past” even if it is “uncomforta­ble”.

If some Scots are truly honest with themselves, they too will have found themselves using the same kind of casual, everyday racism as the sixth in line to the throne.

Ignorance is no excuse for racism. But it’s important to encourage everyone to learn from their past mistakes, no matter how ill-judged.

If Harry can stand up and admit he was wrong, then there’s nothing to stop anyone else.

PRINCE Harry only truly grasped the harm in his past blunders on race after seeing attacks on his wife Meghan, his biographer has claimed. Omid Scobie, co-author of pro-Harry and Meghan book Finding Freedom, says the Duke of Sussex is on a “journey to wokeness” after seeing her torment. And he believes the prince is intending to open up about his own past behaviour, which includes once calling an Army friend a “P***”. Scobie told True Royalty TV: “He’s on a journey and I do think at some point we’ll hear him talk about that journey. “At the moment he’s still educating himself. Maybe he feels he’s not there yet.” Scobie, who spent two years on the glowing biography said of the couple, said seeing at first hand how Meghan, 39, had suffered had opened Harry’s eyes. He said: “Harry’s journey to wokeness has been very public. “Witnessing Meghan face racist remarks and commentary would have been the first time he’d seen someone he was close to affected by it in a certain way.” Meghan’s mum Doria is black, dad

Thomas is white. Harry has been called out several times over alleged racism. The prince apologised in 2005 for dressing as a Nazi for a party. In 2009, an old video revealed a then 21-year-old Harry commenting on Army pals. Focusing on an Asian officer cadet, he says: “Ah, our little P*** friend, Ahmed.” The soldier was fellow Sandhurst trainee Ahmed Raza Khan, who became a captain in the Pakistani army. The Palace said at the time: “Prince Harry fully understand­s how offensive this term can be and is extremely sorry.” Harry was shown telling a cadet in a camouflage veil on a manoeuvre: “You look like a raghead”. Harry was formally discipline­d by Army chiefs and sent on a diversity course. In February 2009, comedian Stephen K Amos said Harry told him, “You don’t sound like a black chap” – but said he hoped the comment was “banter”. Harry, 35, told US civil rights activist Rashad Robinson last week it would take “every single person on the planet” to defeat racism, praising the younger generation for “acting, rather than just saying”.

 ??  ?? LONG WALK
Couple at London’s Nelson Mandela exhibition in 2018
LONG WALK Couple at London’s Nelson Mandela exhibition in 2018
 ??  ?? Pals Harry with cadet Ahmed
Pals Harry with cadet Ahmed

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