Daily Record



DAVID TEMPLETON has revealed he was on the receiving end of a bizarre rant from ex-Hearts boss Csaba Laszlo who believed his team had lost a game they had actually won.

Laszlo watched a youth team clash with Celtic and departed with the Hoops 2-1 in front and two minutes left on the clock following a top showing from mercurial Northern Irishman Paddy McCourt.

The following day, the furious Jambos gaffer proceeded to slaughter his charges for their “defeat” despite the fact they had scored two late goals to win 3-2.

Bemused Hamilton winger Templeton told the Football Daft podcast: “When I went to Hearts I was a kid, so I was in the youths and that’s when it was mainly Lithuanian­s and foreign coaches, so I never really got to train with many of them.

“When it was actually (coach) Stevie Frail, I started training with the first team and then Csaba came in. But he was a strange character.

“He used to slaughter the young boys. I remember we played the reserves and we were playing Celtic at Forthbank,


Stirling’s stadium. And if Celtic won that day, they would have won the reserve league.

“So they had McCourt playing. He was tearing us apart and it was 2-1 to them by the 86th minute.

“I scored to make it 2-2 and then I think it was wee Scott Robinson scored the winner to make it 3-2.

“We stopped them winning the league.

“We came back in to training on the Monday and Csaba was like, ‘it’s not good enough, you can’t lose to them’, and stuff.

“Like, ‘what the f***? What’s he talking about?’.

“He left at 86 minutes – he thought we got beat 2-1. He didn’t have a clue.”

The then Hearts owner Vladimir Romanov’s madcap antics had an unhappy end for the Gorgie club when they ended up in administra­tion.

Templeton’s problem was stranger – the barmy owner would nab his boots to practice his finishing skills ...

He added: “He hit shots in to his interprete­r. He used to go in the boot room and put my boots on because he was the same size as me!”

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