Daily Record

CELEBRITY SQUARES ITV, 1975-79, 1993-1997


YOU can just imagine the poor agent having to call their celebrity client.

“They want you on the show but they want you to be a huge zero in a giant game of noughts and crosses.”

On paper, Celebrity Squares didn’t sound like the best career move – but when it aired it was a different story.

Original host Bob Monkhouse drew some of the biggest names of the day, from John Inman to Anita Dobson, before the show returned again in 2014 with Warwick Davis. Contestant­s were asked questions – but with a twist: A celeb of their choice would answer first and they would either have to agree or disagree with them. You may not have a celeb at hand but try these teasers to see if you would have bagged a top prize – such as a car from “The Monkhouse Motor Show” – or know nought about this kind of trivia...

1. Which group leaves Bibles in hotel bedrooms? 2. Where is a zip code used? 3. If you have Omphalitis, which part of your body is inflamed, the nipple or navel?

4. In Algeria, which men wear blue scarves? The Mozabites or the Tuareg?

5. If you found a Lancashire Lad in the garden, what would it be?

6. Which has won more Nobel Prizes, Germany or the UK?

7. If you crossed a male lion and a female tiger would you get a liger or a tigon?

8. Julie Andrews once appeared topless in a film. What was it?

9. Who won the 1959 Nobel prize for literature, Dracula, Frankenste­in or Quasimodo?

10. If you scored 150 in an IQ test, would you automatica­lly be described as a genius?

11. Is a or o the oldest letter in the English alphabet?

12. A bookseller from England paid £5000 for a lock of hair. Was it Marilyn Monroe’s or Lord Nelson’s?

13. Which canal is longer, the Panama or the Suez?

14. Which British actress got a break in The Big Hangover?

15. Who won the first gold disc award for record sales? Bing Crosby or Glenn Miller?

 ??  ?? THE GRREATS Lion and, below, Bing Crosby and Glenn Miller
THE GRREATS Lion and, below, Bing Crosby and Glenn Miller
 ??  ?? NUN-THING ON
Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music
NUN-THING ON Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music
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