Daily Record

Forget about another indyref, says PM

Tory leader uses Queen’s Speech to issue threat to Sturgeon and the SNP


BORIS Johnson has used the Queen’s Speech to double-down on his refusal to allow a second independen­ce referendum.

On the eve of Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP conference address, Downing Street made it clear she would be wasting her time asking for a Section 30 order from a Johnson government to hold a referendum.

Presenting the Government’s programme in Parliament yesterday, the Queen said the “integrity and prosperity of the Union that binds the four nations of the United Kingdom is of the utmost importance”.

Downing Street insisted that this meant the “UK Government is absolutely committed to upholding the result of Scotland’s once-in-ageneratio­n referendum”.

Johnson took full political advantage of the state opening of Parliament to signal that he would stand against any second referendum on independen­ce.

His spokesman said: “The Prime Minister has set out his views in relation to an independen­ce referendum. The last vote was described as once in a generation.”

Sturgeon, above, has said she wants another vote on Scotland’s future in the UK to take place next year.

She is expected to use her keynote speech in Aberdeen today to formally announce that she will make a request before the end of this year for powers to hold a referendum under Section 30 of the Scotland Act.

The commitment in the Queen’s Speech to deliver Brexit led to a war of words, with SNP Minister Mike Russell threatenin­g to withhold Holyrood consent.

Russell, the Constituti­onal Relations Secretary, said: “Until we can be assured that the decisions of the Scottish Parliament will be respected, we will not lodge any legislativ­e consent motions

on Brexit-related provisions, except in the most exceptiona­l of circumstan­ces.” Speaking at an SNP conference fringe event, the Cabinet Secretary also opened the door to a legal challenge if the Tory Government blocks a second independen­ce referendum. Russell said the Scottish Government was “reluctant” to go to court but insisted the move “cannot be ruled out” if Johnson vetoed a request for IndyRef2. He said: “I’m reluctant to see Scottish money being spent in courts on these matters.” The Scottish Government racked up £132,000 on a legal bill when it faced the UK Government in the Supreme Court two years ago over Holyrood’s “Continuity Bill” contesting the return of devolved powers from Brussels.

Judges said the Scottish Parliament had been within its right to pass the Bill until the UK Government changed the law to block it.

The legislatio­n would have given Holyrood power over devolved areas like fishing and farming.

Of the 26 Bills put forward in yesterday’s Queen’s Speech, 13 will impact on Scotland.

Five of them, including the EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill if Johnson gets a Brussels deal this week, cover Brexit.

They include Bills covering fisheries, trade and agricultur­e, extraditio­n, employment and the allocation of tips, pensions, air traffic management and the Windrush Compensati­on Scheme. Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said the Withdrawal Agreement Bill and other measures would ensure Scotland is ready to maximise the opportunit­ies of Brexit. Jack said: “We need to get Brexit sorted but also need to get on with all the other things that really matter to Scottish people. “We are continuing to deliver for people in Scotland, and measures in the Queen’s Speech will bolster the Scottish economy. “I am confident Scotland, and the rest of the UK, can look forward to a prosperous future outside the EU.”

 ??  ?? THREAT PM Boris Johnson
THREAT PM Boris Johnson
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 ??  ?? CEREMONY The Queen spoke of the Union’s importance. Picture: PA CONFIDENT Alister Jack
CEREMONY The Queen spoke of the Union’s importance. Picture: PA CONFIDENT Alister Jack

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