Daily Record

Caretaker Corbyn

Fury over threat to interfere in devolved powers


not doing a good job on health, they are not doing a good job on education.

“I hope the money that we are now investing is properly spent on those services.

“And I hope that Scottish Conservati­ves get the credit they deserve for the hundreds of millions of extra funding that we’re putting into Scottish agricultur­e which was secured, not by Nicola Sturgeon, but by Scottish Conservati­ves.” Chancellor Sajid Javid announced an extra £1.2billion for Scotland earlier this month.

Scottish Tory MPs were accused of plotting a “power grab” of devolved powers in June after urging the next prime minister to bypass Holyrood when spending Whitehall funding in Scotland.

They urged whoever won the keys to Downing Street to block a second independen­ce referendum and spend UK Government money directly on Scottish projects to shore up the Union.

Johnson yesterday also ruled out IndyRef2.

He said: “We had an independen­ce referendum in 2014 and we made an explicit promise to the people of Scotland that this was going to be a once-in-a-generation event.”

But SNP deputy leader Keith Brown said: “The last thing Scotland needs or wants is an ill-informed lecture like this from Boris Johnson.

“People across Scotland are looking on in horror at the chaos engulfing Westminste­r and the Brexit disaster being imposed on Scotland by Boris Johnson and his extremist cabal in Downing Street.

“Support for independen­ce and for an independen­ce referendum is growing, and a win for the SNP in the coming election will demonstrat­e that.”

 ??  ?? WALL TO SPRAY FOR Nicola Sturgeon with the arches artists
WALL TO SPRAY FOR Nicola Sturgeon with the arches artists

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