Daily Record


TONIGHT, 6.45PM, ON PREMIER SPORTS Celtic won’t get caught sleeping in Sarajevo says skipper Broony


SCOTT BROWN knows Celtic won’t be caught napping in Sarajevo due to the club’s detailed pillow planning.

The Parkhead troops have been individual­ly measured up at a workshop to ensure they get proper rest on their travels.

Leigh Griffiths took his on the charter flight for the trip to Bosnia and Brown and the rest of the squad had theirs available so they were refreshed and ready for the task of the opening Champions League qualifier.

It’s not just about comfort. Filters within the material can prevent bugs or germs being carried.

These are small details, yet when it comes to the highest levels of sport, it’s these very details which can enhance peak performanc­e and make the big difference.

Brown feels it’ll mean the Hoops won’t be dozy in Bosnia. He said: “We had a company come in to try and help us get a bit comfier and to stop the spread of diseases and germs in hotels.

“We get our own individual pillows when we go away and the club make sure they’re in the hotels when we go and you get the opportunit­y to take one on the bus or the plane.

“It’s good what they’re doing. We get our own mattresses and pillows at hotels back home but it’s different coming away here because you can’t take mattresses!

“But it’s just what we prefer. You go to different hotels and get all different pillows and it’s just whatever suits you better so you get a good night’s sleep.

“The club see it as helping us out in any way they possibly can do.”

Such profession­alism can only be of benefit as the Hoops look to negotiate their tricky opening tie.

Arriving last night in Sarajevo, the Celtic players were met with a city which has been through plenty.

The scars from years of bitter conflict in the Balkans remain visible. Memories and reminders of painful loss. In such settings, the outcome of football matches can often seem trivial.

However, there is business BY CRAIG SWAN IN SARAJEVO to be attended to and Brown and his team are perfectly aware of what is required.

Only Broony and James Forrest remain from the squad that went to Braga for Neil Lennon’s first-ever European game as manager nine years ago and, although much has changed since, the pressures of qualificat­ion stay just the same.

He said: “The manager’s a different guy now. He’s more chilled out, relaxed. He’s been trying to keep everything the same because he sees it as ‘if it’s not broke why fix it?’.

“He has been good since coming back in. Pre-season has been really good and we’re getting there.

“We’re not far off because we haven’t had that long off.

“We played St Gallen the other day and it showed us how far we could go because it’s the first game the lads went in for 90 minutes and Jozo Simunovic got sent off with 20 minutes to go so we had to dig deep.

“The lads did well and still had a little bit to push in them as well, so we’re not too far away from where we want to be.

“The manager is pushing us further and further and making sure our fitness levels are up but that’ll come with the amount of games we’re going to be playing.

“Now it’s not about fitness levels but about match sharpness and how we’re going to get that.

“It’s always hard because you don’t know where you’re going, you don’t know what the stadium like or what the pitch is like.

“It’s all right in Scotland because you know what you’re going to get. It’s a little bit of luck that you pull a good team out of the hat with a good stadium and a good pitch.

“It helps us and the weather is meant to be a bit rainy so it’s helping us that way as well.”

Brown is now a seasoned campaigner on the European front, yet the prospect of the big ties and the group stage glamour never loses its appeal.

He said: “I enjoy it, going away seeing different countries and different places.

“Even though we don’t get to see much of it, we go to different hotels, play different teams in different stadiums. It’s a great luxury to have.

“At my age I take more things in than I did when I first signed at 22.

“It’s just to get the fans going again, to get us going and to get the club in the Champions League.

“Our supporters all over the world love those nights. We need to make sure that we get back to those nights. Brendan [Rodgers] brought them and Neil wants them as well. That’s the main priority.”

Tonight is the first of eight potential qualifying ties and Brown reckons it’s an unjust ask.

Celtic failed at hurdle three of four against AEK Athens a year ago and the skipper said: “We used to go straight into the group stages and the team that finishes second had a chance to qualify as well. That shows how things have changed.

“But the Champions League is huge for me. It’s the best players and best clubs in the world, putting ourselves out there for people to see.

“A lot of the players see us playing Man City and PSG and we want that atmosphere again at Celtic Park.

“We have watched Sarajevo and they are very direct. They have direct wingers, tricky players who want to put the ball in the net.

“What happened in Athens was hard to take. We thought we were the better team but we were unlucky over two games.

“We couldn’t get over the line but it drives us on to get back to the group stages.”

 ??  ?? GAME FACES Jullien, below, and Bain, right, jet off for Celts WOE Velkoski and Musemic
GAME FACES Jullien, below, and Bain, right, jet off for Celts WOE Velkoski and Musemic

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