Daily Record

Grin and Bear it...

David Walliams teams up with adventurer for a wild day out


David Walliams faced up to his fear of heights when he met Bear Grylls in the Devonshire countrysid­e for a day of abseiling down rock faces.

The BGT judge also found himself eating a well-cooked rat and trying to drink tea in a fast-moving jeep.

Here, the intrepid buddies tell us about their wild escapades...

Why did you want to take on this challenge?

David: I’ve known Bear for a while – probably about 10 years. He’s always asked me if I would do one of these trips but I’ve always had other commitment­s. But finally we were free. He wants to take you well out of your comfort zone. I was hoping for some swimming [David swam the Channel in 2006] but no chance ofthat. Bear: I knew David would be determined, up for any challenge and also that he’d keep me laughing whatever happened.

What was the most difficult part?

David: Right at the end of the day, when I was exhausted, there was this rope ladder I had to climb. I hope it looks hard on TV. And also, I’m not terrified, but I find heights really difficult. You think, ‘One little mistake and that’s it. I’m not ready to leave this earth. I’ve got a book contract to fulfil’. Bear: As so often in the wild, there was a moment when things didn’t go to plan. We had to abseil down a cliff edge then drop into a life raft we had thrown down ahead of us.

The hope was that it would automatica­lly inflate, but something went wrong and David had to use all his strength to get the raft inflated for our escape across a freezing lake. We both ended up so cold and fighting to reach the shore.

Did you enjoy the journey?

David: I did. If you’re a well-known person, sometimes you live a pretty cosseted life, where you don’t have to do many things you don’t want to. You can go to nice restaurant­s and stay in nice hotels and that sort of thing. But you very rarely have to rough it. So it’s a good kick up the a*** to do something that’s real. Bear: He definitely had fun at the start as we raced through the mountains off-road. It was a bit of a wild ride and I just remember he was clinging to a flask of tea which ended up all over him.

David, if the boot was on the other foot, what would you plan for Bear?

David: I’d get him to be funny because for some people it’s terrifying to face 3000 people at the Royal Albert Hall on stage and hold their attention. To do a comedy sketch, that would probably be out of his comfort zone.

 ??  ?? RATBURGER... is Luckily, David to no stranger Bear rodents as for lights fire dinner BEAR’S MISSION WITH DAVID WALLIAMS Tuesday, STV, 9pm
RATBURGER... is Luckily, David to no stranger Bear rodents as for lights fire dinner BEAR’S MISSION WITH DAVID WALLIAMS Tuesday, STV, 9pm
 ??  ?? MAN OF MANY TALENTS... David with fellow BGT judges Simon Cowell, Alesha Dixon and Amanda Holden
MAN OF MANY TALENTS... David with fellow BGT judges Simon Cowell, Alesha Dixon and Amanda Holden

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