Daily Record

I’m a good pal but get zero back from her


Dear Coleen

I’M a 22-year-old final year student at university. I live away from home, but my parents support me financiall­y.

I have made some great friends at university and I’m really close to one girl in particular. However, I find myself paying for everything with her. She keeps telling me she will get a job and I do believe her.

Also, earlier this month I found myself having to have an abortion. I went through it alone, and after I told her about it she seemed to get annoyed about me feeling upset.

We started drinking one night (after I took her out for cocktails) and I lost my temper with her because of how she’s made me feel – as if I can’t talk about my problems with her – and I ended up apologisin­g the next day.

She never answers my texts for days at a time and, after the most recent argument when we happened to be drunk on vodka, she started to hint about me leaving her flat because she wanted to have a boy around. I thought that was pretty rude, especially as it was at 3am. She started to shout at me, then kicked me out of the flat. Since then, I’ve texted her to try to sort things out, but she blames me for being on edge and losing my cool with her. I don’t want to lose her as a friend, but I don’t know what to do.

Coleen says

THIS friendship is a one-way street with you doing all the giving and her doing all the taking. She’s not being a good friend to you. If she really cared about you, she would have helped you through this very difficult time and would also let you talk about it. She’s using you, but she’s not there for you.

First of all, don’t lend her money ever again and stop buying her alcohol or anything else for that matter.

If she wants to go out for a drink she’ll have to pay her own way and I wonder if she’ll be so keen to have you as a friend when you’re not handing over cash. You’ve made other good friends at university, so back away from this girl and start focusing on those other friendship­s.

It’s hard when you’re living away from home, particular­ly if you’ve gone through something as traumatic as an abortion. You need to be able to rely on friends, but this girl isn’t reliable at all. I also think you need to look after your mental wellbeing – so instead of drowning your feelings in a bottle of vodka, let them out to someone.

You can talk to your GP about how you’re feeling since the terminatio­n and find out if your university has access to counsellin­g services.

I’d also get in touch with student minds.org.uk, which might be able to offer advice and support.

You don’t say why you haven’t felt able to confide in your mum but, as a mum myself, I’d far rather my daughter talked to me about what was going on in her life rather than struggling alone.

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