Daily Record


Ando fears he’ll have to listen to pal taking the Michael after Dublin clash

- CRAIG SWAN c.swan@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

GARY ANDERSON reckons his ears will hurt more than his back if Michael Smith sinks him. The Dunvegan stablemate­s go head to head in tonight’s opening Unibet Premier League fixtures in Dublin. Anderson has been struggling for two months with back issues which severely hampered his displays at both the World Championsh­ips and last weekend’s Masters. However, he says it’s his lugs that will really ache if Smith does a job on him. The Scot said: “I’ve given him a few beatings lately and he’s determined to finally win so he can give me some grief. That’s a good incentive for me to grit my teeth and get through it despite my back issues.

“If he beats me it’ll be my ears hurting more than my back.

“Michael says he’s going to thump me in the back before we go on stage.

“That wouldn’t surprise me because he is literally a big bully. Seriously though I’m more concerned he will thump me once we start playing.

“I’m expecting big things from him this year.

“Hopefully that will be after this clash but I am suffering big time with the back.

“I’ve had another visit to the osteopath this week but I’ve now got this stabbing pain in my side which is like someone sticking a hot poker into your ribs.”

Anderson is ready for the 16-week slog, with tonight’s clashes also including a World semi-final rematch between Rob Cross and Michael van Gerwen.

Ando said: “It’s a long haul in the Premier League. It’s good to have a laugh and giggle with the boys to keep you going.

“All these new boys are great for the game, it’s good to have new names but the Premier League is a proper hard slog.

“You also have to get off to a decent start.”

 ??  ?? CROCK THE BOAT Ando aims to win despite injury
CROCK THE BOAT Ando aims to win despite injury

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