Daily Record

Callous kid rapist jailed for 21 years

- SARAH VESTY s.vesty@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

A CHILD abuser who was driven out of a village by angry locals was jailed for 21 years yesterday over a string of sex attacks.

Ian Dempster attacked two girls – one of whom was of primary school age – at various locations in Scotland and Yorkshire between 1998 and 2009.

The 61-year-old was found guilty of 13 charges, including six counts of rape, after a trial at Sheffield Crown Court earlier this month.

The callous brute refused to accept guilt, forcing his victims to give evidence.

One of them, who he targeted for eight years, told the court how Dempster said she would never see her loved ones again if she reported what he had done.

South Yorkshire Police launched the investigat­ion after the two victims came forward and reported Dempster in January 2016.

Investigat­ing officer Detective Constable Emma Shipley said: “Both of his victims lived in fear and suffered horrific abuse at the hands of this sexual predator, who preyed on young, innocent girls for his own sexual gratificat­ion.

“I cannot praise their strength and courage throughout the trial enough.”

Three charges involving an alleged third victim were dismissed in court due to lack of evidence.

Dempster was jailed for three years in 2011 after he was convicted of five sexual assaults, exposing himself and acting in a threatenin­g manner by demanding two women take off their clothes.

He was also jailed for three years in 2003 after he dragged a staff nurse from her car and battered her.

In October 2015, he was chased from his then home in Elphinston­e, East Lothian, by residents who discovered his sordid past.

Boy held after fire

A 13-year-old boy has been arrested in connection with a fire at Denburn multi-storey car park in Aberdeen. The blaze on Tuesday damaged six cars.

 ??  ?? PREDATOR Ian Dempster
PREDATOR Ian Dempster

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