Daily Record

Scott McDermott’s

florida Diary


Day One: OUR flight hadn’t even left Saturday Gatwick Airport on morning when the texts started landing. and tweets “Enjoy your jolly to Orlando”, common was the theme. “You lucky b ***** another succinctly d”, was put message. Charlie Adam even dared to call it a holiday. It was all in good jest of one course and listen, no is more grateful than Rangers me to be sent to cover on their winter break trip Cup. Going to the Florida abroad to watch and write football is the about perk of the job. Although, having to tell six two daughters, aged and two, that their daddy to Disneyworl­d was off without them isn’t easy. But for the cynics, family by the and friends included way, that wait at Gatwick reminder should be a that it’s not all sweetness The Jamie and light. Murphy “will he, won’t he” saga sent the stress signing levels through the roof. After getting word early target that Rangers’ signing wasn’t on their flight from planned, Edinburgh as the whole move was shrouded in doubt. Phone calls and texts back constant and forth were – and this was all less before than an hour jumping on the plane. The word from Rangers was that Brighton were holding it up. Everything was up in the air and we began to wonder if their big January buy would even make it to the States at all. Even after filing online reports of Murphy’s absence, there was an uneasy feeling boarding the 10-hour flight. And incredibly, when we got off at Orlando the first message I had was from the gaffer asking for the latest on Murphy’s deal because it still wasn’t sorted. Finally, with phone battery dying, en route to the hotel info came through that the former Motherwell man was now signing a loan deal with Gers instead. It was done and he’d be the on a flight to Florida following day. Panic over. But not what you need on the first day of a trip. See, who said it was a jolly?

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