Daily Record

We must protect our protectors


PUBLIC service is one thing but it takes a special quality to become one of the blue-light emergency services who put their lives on the line for us on a regular basis.

Police, ambulance and fire crews are the ones who run towards danger while the rest of us are getting out of the way.

Each day, these people go to work not knowing what dangers they will face.

Incidents of attacks on these dedicated profession­als are despicable and official statistics which revealed that the number of assaults is now averaging 18 a day was despairing news.

It takes a particular­ly despicable kind of person to lash out at the very people who dedicate their lives to keeping all of us – and yes, even the thugs who target them – safe from harm.

Along with medical staff and teachers, the emergency responders are among those who deserve the utmost respect from society.

Despite specific legislatio­n to protect them from assaults, the numbers of successful prosecutio­ns under the law is shockingly low while the frequency of attacks is unacceptab­ly high.

Any assault on public sector staff, verbal or physical, should not be tolerated.

But those who attack the people who will take a risk on behalf of society every day of the week should be met with the full response of the law and the courts.

These people are under enough pressure as it is without the moronic elements of society making their jobs even harder.

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