Daily Record



STEVEN MacLEAN has lost count of the number of times he’s been braced for losing his manager.

But this time it’s different. The striker knows St Johnstone can’t match the emotional pulling power Northern Ireland would wield if they target Tommy Wright.

An approach from Dundee United was booted out two years ago but MacLean knows the successful Saints boss will top the list drawn up by Windsor Park authoritie­s if they lose Michael O’Neill to Scotland.

Macca said: “We’re not stupid. If Michael O’Neill goes, Northern Ireland would be silly to not look at the manager.

“It’s been reported he is the favourite and he definitely deserves a big job. That’s not saying we want him to go but he deserves it. And he would probably be good at it.

“It does feel a bit different this time. If you look back at the Dundee United one we were in a better situation than them.

“But this one seems to tick all the boxes.

“It would be difficult for him to turn down.

“He played for Northern Ireland, he was an assistant to Michael and he’s done his own job well with us.

“It’s a no-brainer from their point of view. It sounds like I’m trying to get him the job! Obviously we want him to stay.”

MacLean’s most pressing concern is ending a six-game run without a goal or a win when Saints face Hibs at Easter Road.

He said: “Last week we had a bit of old school training which we needed. It was back to basics. There was quite a lot of running.

“Everybody is feeling good going into this game. We’re refreshed and ready to go.

“As a team we have to be better in the final third. It’s a collective thing.”

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