Daily Record

He’s going down



STV, 9pm HE’S the heavyweigh­t champion of the world, after defeating 6ft 5in Ukrainian man mountain Wladimir Klitschko.

But while Anthony Joshua might be King of the Ring, he’s about to be taken way outside his comfort zone, where he is completely clueless and – frankly – terrified.

The lad from Watford admits he knows nothing about the great outdoors, hates heights and bugs, and is more used to sitting in his lounge playing computer games.

So survival expert Bear Grylls wastes no time in chucking 28-year-old AJ in at the deep end or, more precisely, dangling him from a helicopter. They’re being flown to the notorious Commando Ridge in Cornwall, a daunting and challengin­g climbing face where the Royal Marines have trained since World War II.

First he’ll have to drag his 17st of pure muscle up the exposed granite cliffs, tackling sharp pinnacles, squeezing through tiny spaces, and having to make a tricky descent when faced with a “death drop” on all sides.

And the culinary reward for all this effort? Some maggots and a rotten sheep leg. Haute cuisine, this is not. Then the next day it’s the biggest challenge – AJ has to abseil 200ft down the sheer cliff by himself.

He might be stood at the top giving his famous beaming smile but as he prepares to lean back and jump off he also admits it’s the “scariest thing he’s ever done”.

If you’re thinking this all sounds a bit macho – rock climbing and male bonding, boxing training and chats about fatherhood – you’d be right. These are big manly men doing big manly men things.

But there’s also a bit right at the end when AJ takes his top off to rappel down some rocks and then dives into the sea.

Just saying...

 ??  ?? BEAR HUG Joshua with Grylls
BEAR HUG Joshua with Grylls

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