Daily Record



STV, 7.30pm CHICKEN dippers and smiley faces – a meal fit for a king, at least in the eyes of fussy kids everywhere. But we all know it’s not the healthiest of options.

This new series sees presenter and journalist Ranvir Singh give families an eight-week challenge to get fitter, eat better and save money on their shopping, all at the same time.

First to face the challenge are the Harling family of Manchester.

Working mum Lorraine struggles to deal with her three fussy kids, who refuse to eat anything that isn’t processed FOOD FIGHT Ranvir with Harlings freezer food. Jamie Oliver, look away now.

“Would you be willing to try different types of vegetables?” Ranvir asks Lorraine’s 10-year-old daughter. “Yeah, purple ones,” she replies. Well, that’s a start. Lorraine, widowed four years ago when her husband died from a heart attack, also needs more time for herself to exercise.

Ranvir rallies the troops – chef and nutritioni­st Dale Pinnock, finance guru Gemma Godfrey and fitness consultant Tom Pitfield.

It’s more emotional than you might think as the Harlings try to overhaul their lives.

C4, 9pm THIS is becoming a bit of a weekly must-see entertainm­ent fix.

We’re not sure whether it’s simply because it’s nostalgic, but the multi-layered game combined with host Richard Ayoade’s unrelentin­g sarcasm is highly watchable.

“These people call themselves celebritie­s,” says Richard scathingly, introducin­g this week’s competitor­s.

We have the team captain, presenter Andrea McLean, reality star Spencer Matthews, comedian Tom Allen, presenter Stacey Solomon and actor/presenter Joe Swash.

As ever, their hopes are high and the Maze Master’s expectatio­ns are low.

But we learn some fun facts. Did you know Stacey used to work in a fish and chip shop called Oh My Cod? And, more bizarrely, Joe refuses to wear pants when he’s abroad.

Anyway, back to the game and there’s a riddle involving Celebs suited up for action

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