Daily Mirror

All’s Well as Saints party on


PAUL WELLENS cannot wait to savour St Helens’ 150th anniversar­y tonight with fellow past players who share a “special” connection.

The Saints head coach (top), who featured a massive 499 times for his beloved hometown club, will be among those present at a celebratio­n dinner at Totally Wicked Stadium.

There will be many iconic faces reuniting for the Merseyside outfit, who started their big birthday year with a historic World Club Challenge triumph in Sydney.

Wellens said: “It’s a huge milestone for us as a club and as a town – 150 years is a long, long time – and through that time there’s been so many great players who’ve represente­d the club.

“Hopefully we’ll see plenty on Saturday. Most years we have a past-players dinner at St Helens and players turn up from different generation­s, who played in different teams. And when you walk into the room you feel there’s that connection.

“Whether you’ve played together or not, you know that someone pulled on that same jersey. It might have been 40 or 50 years ago, but there’s an understand­ing there about what it takes to play for the team and how special it is. I’m looking forward to being around a lot of players who felt those same feelings as myself.”

The former Man of Steel and Great Britain star added: “On that journey there’s been so many people who’ve stood on the terraces and supported the team as well. It means a lot to the people of the town and it’s shown year on year by how well we’re supported.

“We’re immensely proud of the club to celebrate this.”

Although he will not be in attendance, Wellens points to current Australia boss Mal Meninga (above) as the ex-Saint who first inspired him.

The legendary blockbusti­ng Kangaroos centre memorably starred in 1984-85, and Wellens recalled: “I was only about five years old. And he only played that one season, 31 games, scoring 28 tries.

“But Mal also played the same time my brother Kevin was there.

“That was probably my first rugby league influence – seeing Mal come over here to play for St Helens.

“But there’s been so many great players. I’ve always been a great supporter of the team and still am.

“I want the team to be successful. Over the years, we’ve had our great moments, some not so great moments, and all we can do year on year is try to give St Helens supporters what they deserve.”

Wellens returns to work next week ready to again fire up the dethroned Super League champions for 2024.

He admitted: “We know there’s areas we need to improve in.

“But there’s a real motivation there and I’m excited by that challenge.”

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