Daily Mirror

Ann’s butty ban hard to stomach

- Edited by FIONA PARKER

■ EX-Tory MP Ann Widdecombe has come to the rescue of half-starving Brits by proclaimin­g cheese sandwiches are off the menu (Mirror, May 17).

Mind you, with the soaring cost of bread, any butty is off the menu these days, Ann. The answer... crackers with no spread due to the steep rise of butter and margarine?

But Ann is far from alone in the Tory ranks. To think that Tories like Lee Anderson, Iain Duncan Smith and George Eustice have the solution to food poverty in today’s Britain beggars belief.

Why should they care, though, when they are pondering over gourmet meals at knock-down prices in the House of Commons canteen courtesy of the taxpayers?

Wonder what’s on the menu today? Cheese sarnies? Bill Cook, Teignmouth, Devon

■ What a typical Tory attitude for Ann Widdecombe to tell Brits struggling after 13 years of austerity to stop eating cheese sandwiches. This really is a cruel taunt aimed at those who are finding it impossible to make ends meet. With foodbanks more in demand than ever and working people unable to afford the basics, it is hard to fathom that we are supposed to be one of the richest countries in the world.

The Tories’ attitude stinks and it’s definitely time for a change. Next they’ll be telling us to live on gruel. They really have taken the country back to the dark days of Dickens. Dave Mellor, Warrington

■ I retired two years ago and only have my state pension to rely on. I’ve cut back and back.

I didn’t turn on the heating or hot water, then ended up with bronchitis and pneumonia.

I grow as much of my own veg as possible and cook meals in batches. I never thought I’d have to do this in retirement.

There seems to be no support for ordinary people. Is this because there’s no profit in compassion?

And unless you’re in the position of not having money to pay for food or heating you can’t understand. This shouldn’t be happening in the 21st century. Marion Bolwell, Portsmouth

■ Yet again we have a wealthy Tory, this time, Ann Widdecombe, telling us not to make cheese sarnies to cut costs. Well, I think it is about time the hard-working taxpayers of this country say enough is enough and demand all Tory MPs stop claiming any expenses. That would save more than a few pennies.

It seems the Tories are doing their best to ruin this country. Harold Ennis, Ruardean, Glos

■ While shopping at our local supermarke­t the cost-of-living crisis really hit home. Two weeks ago a particular brand of sweets I like retailed at 55p per packet, last week they were unavailabl­e. Now they’re back at 75p.

Price rises seem to be occurring daily. How can any of the main supermarke­ts justify it? They can’t blame it all on the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. In my opinion they’re jumping on the bandwagon. Ellen Bater, Fleetwood, Lancs

■ If Ann Widdecombe believes no one is entitled to cheap food and we should cut back on cheese sandwiches, why should MPs be entitled to cheap food in the Common, subsidised by taxpayers?

MPs can afford to pay full price. Mindy Lee

Woodford Green, East London

■ I did a small food shop in M&S this week and found to my surprise and delight its value range wholemeal loaf had been reduced from 85p to 75p. Well done, M&S. Elaine Burton, Isle of Man

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