Daily Mirror

Logan dad: I wake up screaming and crying


LOGAN Mwangi’s dad said yesterday “every fibre in my body died” when he discovered the youngster had been brutally murdered.

In an emotional victim impact statement, Ben Mwangi said: “On Saturday, July 31, 2021, I was at my place of work when police officers came and told me about the death of Logan.

“They told me that his body had been found in the River Ogmore in the early hours.

“I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I felt so confused. I just collapsed on the floor and hit my head. I just felt like every fibre in my body had died and couldn’t stop crying.

“I couldn’t understand how something like this could have happened to my son. The rest of the day was a blur. It was so painful.

“The following day I was made aware that Logan’s mother had been arrested on suspicion of his murder.

“I am just devastated that I couldn’t have been there to protect him.”

Ben also told how the past

10 months had been “hell” for him as his past struggles with anxiety were heightened by Logan’s death.

He no longer socialises or goes to busy places.

And he revealed his father died just months after the youngster’s murder. Ben’s dad told him he had “given up and was ready to go”.

Ben added: “I can’t sleep and keep experienci­ng re-occurring nightmares. My dreams of Logan are so vivid.

“Logan comes to tell me that he is ok and to check if I’m ok. He runs into my arms and I hold him tight but he then slowly disappears until he’s no longer in my arms. I wake up screaming and crying.”

Ben described his son as the “sweetest and most beautiful boy”, and revealed he cannot see himself having any more children because of the suffering he has been through.

He said: “The world is a colder and darker place without his warm smile and the happy energy with which he lived his life.

“No amount of time can heal the wounds that have been inflicted.

“The wonderful memories I have of my son will never be tarnished; they will forever be in my heart and soul. I loved him so much and somehow I have to live my life knowing that I will never get to see him grow up to be the wonderful man he would have been.”

 ?? ?? STATEMENT Ben Mwangi

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