Daily Mirror

Voter ID a way to exclude poor

- Colin Davies, Liverpool

THE Conservati­ves have lost the argument about reducing the House of Commons by 50 seats thereby foregoing one method of ensuring their continued power grab. So, what do they propose? The mandatory use of photo ID to be allowed to vote. Why? To prevent voter fraud, they say, which almost never happens here.

Who are most likely to be prevented from voting if voter ID comes in? Those least likely to vote Tory. Voter fraud is being used as an excuse by a government that said it would govern for all and level up.

I have warned before the biggest threat to democracy is a Tory government with an untouchabl­e majority – and this country is sleepwalki­ng towards a one-party state. Be afraid.

Alan Mercer, Chorley, Lancs

When there’s virtually no voter fraud, you have to wonder if there are more sinister reasons behind spending millions making all voters produce ID. It will inevitably result in fewer people voting – not everyone has the relevant photo ID or the ability to acquire it. Why not make voting in elections compulsory? This is fair because everyone would be represente­d and make use of their right to choose who represents them. Filling in a census is compulsory and fines are issued for not doing so, but isn’t choosing a government more important?

Carol Winfield, Langley Mill, Derbys

It seems the Tories are trying to create a one-party

state or they wouldn’t be bringing in legislatio­n requiring voter ID at polling stations or curtailing the right to protest. Voter fraud is almost nonexisten­t, so it can only be to the Tories’ advantage to try to prevent people voting at all.

Our electoral system is broken and we urgently need proportion­al representa­tion or we’ll be stuck under a Tory jackboot for ever. The Tories are seeking a dictatorsh­ip and our only way out is to work together in the fight against them. Alan Bond, Wachet, Somerset

I read in Graham Hiscott’s column that Chris O’Shea, boss of British Gas owner Centrica, claimed the “fire and rehire” shakeup had been difficult and necessary with 98% of staff having signed new contracts (May 11). Of course they did – it’s like having a gun to your head! Welcome to Tory Britain!

Next thing you need ID to vote and the right to protest is torn up. It’s straight out of Trump’s play book. Wake up, people.

G Crawford, Rainham, East London

The Welsh, Scots and most Mirror readers can see how inept this Tory Government is but not, it seems, the wider electorate. As London Mayor, Johnson wasted millions of taxpayers’ money on water cannons, the failed garden bridge project – not forgetting his alleged favours for Jennifer Arcuri. When will people realise just how sleazy the Tories really are?

Jim Bond, Great Hormead, Herts

Why all the hoo-ha over showing photo ID to vote? We have to show proof of identity when doing the simplest things such as collecting a parcel at the Post Office, so why not at the polling station? Those who don’t have a passport or driving licence can be issued with a special card. If you have nothing to hide, then what’s the problem? John Shaw, Doncaster

Here’s what Boris Johnson said about ID cards in 2004: “A recipe for tyranny and oppression... and that’s why I oppose the scheme. If I’m obliged to have one by the emanations of the state, I will grind it and eat it on my cornflakes.”

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