Daily Mirror


Aussie ace Reynolds was splashed across both front & back pages at home.. now he’s relishing the quiet life at Hull

- BY GARETH WALKER Rugby League Correspond­ent @garethwalk­er

HULL FC new boy Josh Reynolds hopes stepping out of the Australian media spotlight will pay dividends for him in 2021.

The 31-year-old playmaker has landed in England aiming to reverse the Black and Whites’ trend of underachie­ving in recent years.

Reynolds saw his personal life splashed across the front and back pages Down Under after an ex-partner falsely accused him of domestic violence.

The case was thrown out when she was exposed as a notorious liar.

The former Canterbury and West Tigers half-back knows there will be less interest in him away from the field in England – and is relishing the prospect.

Reynolds said: “I definitely think it will be better for me. Back home it’s just full on.

Football over here is the No.1 sport and I see the players in the headlines and in the newspapers.

“To come over here and not be fully in the spotlight is good. I like that and you can just get on with your job.

“Don’t get me wrong, from what I’m gathering from social media the fans are really into it and do love it.

“But it’s just not as full on as back home and I will prefer that.”

On the pitch, Reynolds picked up the nickname “Grub” for his combative and often vocal approach.

He says that former team-mate and notorious antagonist Michael Ennis brought out that side in him, but that he’s mellowed later in his career.

Reynolds said: “Mick used to pump me up so much that I would do anything for him. But in saying that, I have grown up and grown as a player.

“A lot of the times when I was a bit younger I’d get caught up in all that and it would take away from what I had to do on the field.

“The competitiv­e side does come out of me sometimes and sometimes I get myself into little altercatio­ns.

“But as a half I’ve learned you’re the one that’s got to keep the cool head, because other guys are looking to you f o r direction.

“I want to be someone who shows up every week and represents the jersey well.

“I’m not the silkiest player, I’m not going to come over here and set up and score spectacula­r tries.

“But as long as the fans know I’m going to turn up every week, have my mates’ back and do the little things right, then hopefully they’ll like me.”

 ??  ?? KEEPING HIS FOCUS Reynolds vowed to work hard and win over the Hull supporters
KEEPING HIS FOCUS Reynolds vowed to work hard and win over the Hull supporters

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