Daily Mirror

EasyJet wants clearance to fly


- Edited by GRAHAM mirror.co.uk/businessHI­SCOTT

THE boss of budget airline easyJet has called for Covid-19 restrictio­ns to be eased “as soon as possible”.

Johan Lundgren appealed for the UK Government and others to publish a “road map” for when measures impacting the industry could be eased.

“What is the plan to unwind this, what are the milestones we are looking for?” he told the Mirror. “It is on people’s minds: when can I get away, how can I get away, what will it look like?”

Lundgren claimed there should be no restrictio­ns on those flying in from areas with similar infection levels.

His comments came as easyJet laid bare the impact of the restrictio­ns.

Passenger numbers plunged 87% to 2.9 million in the final three months of 2020, with the figure expected to be down even more in the first three months of this year. The airline is burning through £40million a week as services are kept on hold, despite slashing costs which included axing 1,400 jobs in the UK. Lundgren slammed ministers’ advice that people should not book summer holidays abroad because of pandemic uncertaint­ies.

“It don’t think helpful,” he said.

“It would be better to say that they recommend customers check out cancellati­on and flexibilit­y around bookings.”

The chief executive insisted his airline could weather another summer of disruption after beefing up its balance sheet.

Its finances were significan­tly strengthen­ed earlier this month through a Government-backed £1.4billion loan which analysts said removed the risk of a second rights issue for now. it’s very

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ON THE FLOOR EasyJet flights

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