Daily Mirror

Pubs ‘not open again until May’

- BY PIPPA CRERAR Political Editor & GRAHAM HISCOTT Head of Business

PUBS and restaurant may not reopen until May, according to a reported three-stage lockdown exit plan.

Officials are said to be working on proposals that could see most shops closed until April and hospitalit­y venues until the following month.

PM Boris Johnson has signalled that current restrictio­ns will continue until at least March 8, with schools the first to open from that point.

But depending on cases, deaths and the vaccinatio­ns, it could be weeks later before all pupils return.

And under the “staggered approach”, if school reopening is delayed, the other measures would be pushed back as well.

A Whitehall source said: “If schools open in March it means other things have to remain closed for some time.

“We have to avoid the situation last time where the return of schools meant far greater household mixing.

“That means we’d be likely to wait at least another month for nonessenti­al retail and a month more at least for pubs and restaurant­s.”

A Government source did not deny the plans but said: “We’re nowhere close to knowing any timetables.”

Under pressure from rebellious Tory backbenche­rs, Johnson has promised a February 22 “roadmap” out of the lockdown.

Industry chiefs warned forcing pubs and restaurant­s to stay closed would cost millions of jobs.

It came as figures reveal the impact on the high street with 13.7% shops empty in the last quarter of 2020, up from 13.3% the previous quarter.

● Pubs and restaurant­s may not open until May in new exit plan ● Vaccine rate slows as EU row escalates ● Nearly half back teachers being next group to be vaxxed

 ??  ?? MASKED Pubs may shut for months
MASKED Pubs may shut for months
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Pictures: ANDY COMMINS HARD WORK Olivia, 10, & Harley with book

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