Daily Mirror

Child heart swaps double after Mirror donor victory

More brave families saving lives

- EXCLUSIVEE­XCLUSI BY MARTIN BAGOT Health Editor and JEREMY ARMSTRONG martin.bagot@mirror.co.uk @MartinBago­t

THE number of children receiving life-saving heart transplant­s has more than doubled since the Mirror’s organ donation campaign. Increased nationwide awareness triggered by the Change the Law for Life drive has seen a rise in donations despite the virus pandemic.

The surge came despite a partial NHS shutdown during lockdown, with most taking place even before the law change to presume consent had come in to effect.

Until this year the consent rate had flatlined at 67% in 2018/19 and 68% in 2019/20. At the height of the pandemic in March this year it reached 75%.

John Forsythe, medical director at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “It’s amazing what the NHS has managed. “While it’s likely to be a combinatio­n of things, this could certainly be down to publicity and increased awareness. We’re very grateful to the Mirror for its continued interest in those on our waiting list and the change in legislatio­n.” Max and Keira’s Law, the Organ Donation ( Deemed Consent) Act, came in to effect on May 20 after years of campaignin­g by the Mirror. It means consent will be presumed unless someone has opted out. But, crucially, bereaved families still have the right to say no.

The mother of transplant patient Max Johnson, 11, said she was “in awe of the NHS” for carrying on as usual.

Emma Johnson, 50, of Winsford, Cheshire added: “We always hoped that the increased publicity around the law change would help to increase the consent rate and this is now gradually starting to show.

“We also feel humbled by those families that have been able to agree to organ donation, despite all the other pressures and worries that Covid-19 has brought, on top of their personal loss.

“Higher consent rates could bring increased hope to those waiting for an organ and those decisions to donate mean that children like Max have a second chance.

“Max is enjoying high school and thriving… all because of Joe Ball’s decision to allow Keira’s organs to be donated.”

Improved technology to preserve hearts after death contribute­d to heart transplant­s increasing to 97 in the six months to August.

This was up from 87 during the same period last year.

Among children’s hearts – the most difficult to preserve and transplant – there was an increase to 22 from just eight in the previous six months.

THRIVING Max Johnson

 ??  ?? BIG GRIN Grayson has a new heart
BIG GRIN Grayson has a new heart

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