Daily Mirror


Curfews ‘doing more harm than good’... students trapped in halls ... local lockdowns a muddle of utterly confusing laws, rules and guidelines... & all the while the virus spreads among us. This is...

- BY PIPPA CRERAR Political Editor

MILLIONS of Britons have been left baffled by the chaotic range of coronaviru­s rules.

Up to 4,000 students are in quarantine and city centres filled with crowds after a 10pm pub curfew.

Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham said early closing was doing “more harm than good”.

A ROW erupted over the 10pm pub curfew last night, while over two million people in the North East faced tighter restrictio­ns to curb the spread of coronaviru­s.

Ministers are under pressure to review the rule after revellers poured out on to streets and public transport at closing time over the weekend. Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced yesterday it would be illegal for different hou households in the North East to meet up indo indoors. Ministers are also cons id ider ing whether to impose a similar ban on s so coci ali ali sinng in Merseyside after a spike in the r region. More m measures could also be introi duced within days by London Mayor Sadiq Khan after the capital was put on a coronaviru­s watchlist.

The Government is keeping “circuit break” plans on the table which would mean all pubs, restaurant­s and bars being ordered to shut for two weeks.

It was presented to ministers as an option last week but Boris Johnson opted for a controvers­ial 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurant­s.

Downing Street is also facing criticism from ministers, Tory MPs and scientists over the apparently unforeseen consequenc­es of the curfew.

Hundreds of people were seen gathering in centres in cities including Nottingham, Manchester and Cardiff.

Greater Manchester metro mayor Andy Burnham warned it may be doing “more harm than good”. He said it was leading to a rush to buy more alcohol and creating an incentive for people to gather in each others’ homes.

John Apter, of the Police P li Federation, Fd ti said police had difficulty dispersing large crowds with limited numbers of officers. He said: “My colleagues will do the best they can to encourage and coerce people to move on but all that you need is a hostile group and resources are swallowed up.”

SAGE member Professor Susan Michie said: “The consequenc­es of t he curf ew undermine the gains. i The Th measure is another example of a restrictio­n brought in outwith a coherent strategy and

without sufficient consultati­on with relevant experts and communitie­s.”

Another Government adviser, Professor Robert Dingwall, said: “The disdain for the night-time economy reflects the puritan streak in public health that has marked interventi­ons.”

Labour wants the evidence to be looked at again and a review published to Parliament within days.

But Downing Street claimed the 10pm deadline struck the “right balance”, ruled out the need to reconsider and played down the idea of staggered exit times. Mr Johnson’s spokesman blamed the public, saying the PM had been clear “everybody has a part to play” to avoid stricter rules.

Mr Johnson meanwhile enjoyed a game of cricket at Ruislip High School sports day in his constituen­cy.

More than two million people in the North East were already banned from mixing inside or in gardens, but it was only guidance that they should not meet at public venues, including pubs.

Schools and shops can remain open, along with factories and offices at which staff could not work from home.

Mr Hancock told MPs it was necessary to toughen up restrictio­ns to curb a sharp spike in the virus. He said: “We know a large number of these infections are taking place in indoor settings outside the home.”

Newcastle City Council leader Nick Forbes slammed ministers for failing to inform local leaders beforehand.

He said: “The way these measures are being communicat­ed in headlines does nothing for public confidence.”

Liverpool metro mayor Joe Anderson said the city’s virus rate had spiralled “out of control” and predicted a shortterm full lockdown was the only way.

There were 1,306 positive cases in the most recent seven days recorded, up from 577 a week before. But he said a lockdown should only happen with Government funding for those affected.

Tory MPs are furious tough new regulation­s were brought in yesterday without a vote or scrutiny.

It is now a crime to “recklessly” come into close contact with someone or fail to tell your boss you are self-isolating.

And it’s also illegal to maliciousl­y tell Test and Trace you were in contact with them when you actually were not.

Mr Hancock said sometimes the Government had to act fast. He said: “Letting the virus rip would leave a death toll too big to bear.”

The Department of Health and Social Care said the new measures would help “support the Test and Trace system”.

Leaders in Liverpool, Leeds and Manchester have warned Business Secretary Alok Sharma their hospitalit­y sectors are at risk of “complete decimation” unless restrictio­ns are reviewed.

WHEN Britain went into coronaviru­s lockdown in March, the rule was simple and UK-wide: “Stay at home.”

Six months and 42,000 deaths later, we are a very different country, with regulation­s, laws, guidance and advice differing depending on where we live.

What you can and can’t do changes according to your nation, region and sometimes even local authority area.

You can get on a bus to pop to see your friend in one area while public transport should only be used for essential journeys in a neighbouri­ng district.

Have five of your best mates round for a late-summer barbecue in one part of the country… but only socialise with your immediate household in another.

Pop to the pub with five pals in one council area… but only with members of your own household in the next.

Tough new curbs for three Welsh counties came into force at 6pm last night.

Two hours earlier, Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced tighter of restrictio­ns for the North East. And seven days ago, Boris Johnson ordered his 10pm curfew.

It can be hard to keep up so here, amid a rapidly changing situation and with regional rules sometimes differing even between council areas, we try to detail what you can do, and where you can do it.

The Government has provided a website to check rules for those in local lockdown areas: gov.uk/government/collection­s/ local-restrictio­ns-areas-with-an-outbreakof

 ??  ?? AFTER THE PUB Crowds gather in Bristol once venues close
AFTER THE PUB Crowds gather in Bristol once venues close
 ??  ?? BATTING IT OFF Under fire PM plays cricket at West London school yesterday
BATTING IT OFF Under fire PM plays cricket at West London school yesterday
 ??  ?? WARNING Mr Burnham
WARNING Mr Burnham
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 ??  ?? A SIGN OF THE TIMES Bolton &, below, Manchester
A SIGN OF THE TIMES Bolton &, below, Manchester
 ??  ??

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