Daily Mirror

Clueless Trump is losing control

- Tony Howard, Salford FIONA PARKER Edited by

■ After watching the shocking footage of George Floyd fighting for his life as a white police officer placed his knee across his neck while his colleagues looked on, Donald Trump comes across as an idiot and a bully who is not fit to be president of the USA.

His threat to send in the armed forces won’t resolve the stand-off with the demonstrat­ors but will instead inflame a volatile and angry public who are seeking justice and answers.

Trump appears not to have the empathy or understand­ing needed to address the American people and reassure them that steps will be taken to hold the police to account. George Floyd’s death is heartbreak­ing and has incensed the whole world, uniting people of all races and background­s. Sandie Robertson, Preston, Lancs

■ This week President Trump held an impromptu photo call outside the church in Washington DC where presidents have worshipped since 1809. He held up a Bible for all to see – it’s just a pity he didn’t open it. If he had he might have learned something, like this from the Book of Proverbs: ‘Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.’ Trump should take note.

Hazel King, East London

■ The frustratio­n and anger demonstrat­ed by the protestors in America at the brutal killing of George Floyd is understand­able, while it’s disturbing that white supremacis­ts are taking advantage of the riots erupting across the country to suit their own evil ends.

Trump has shown no sign of diplomacy in calming the situation – he is just exacerbati­ng it.

Mike Smith, Chatham, Kent

■ Donald Trump’s days are numbered and I wonder if he will even make it to the next election in November. He has done nothing to help bring calm and restore order, he’s just provoked even more anger and outrage. The man has to be the worst president in American history – even worse than Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

I think Americans will look back at this time in their country’s history with bewilderme­nt.

S Craig, South London

■ I think Donald Trump is treading a fine line at the moment and needs to find a way of defusing the current situation rather than threatenin­g military interventi­on.

His handling of the crisis so far has failed to restore calm and if the rioting continues it could lead to anarchy or even civil war. Trump is on trial here and the world watches with bated breath.

B Davies, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk

■ It’s amazing how everything comes around full circle in history. America was founded by people who escaped from Europe with its serfdom, religious persecutio­n and privileged wealth. The American War of Independen­ce was fought for liberty, justice and freedom from oppression. Trump typifies everything the ordinary people of America have spent more than 200 years trying to escape from.

Mike Smith, Portsmouth

■ What is happening in America? Don’t they ever learn from the past? How many times has a black person been killed unjustly by law enforcemen­t? Does the government expect African-American citizens to just let it happen?

Every time there is a riot, as there was following the beating of Rodney King at the hands of Los Angeles police in 1991, nothing changes. It’s like a vicious circle.

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