Daily Mirror



plays Edgar in this gripping drama


“NO comment,” says David Tennant. His character, Edgar, is suspected of a terrible crime and these are the only words you’ll hear him utter for the first 20 minutes.

The police officer sitting across from him, played by Lee Ingleby, lays out the crime to his suspect: “When a 14-yearold girl is found dead in the woods with no knickers and a shattered skull held in place with a bag for life, then you can appreciate why we have to be so forensic.”

It’s immediatel­y gripping and tense, with the format unyielding – an interrogat­ion room at a police station.

Suspect on one side of the table, cops on the other. Mirrored one- way windows, cameras and tape recorders.

We have to play catch-up to figure out what has happened so far, then make our minds up about the truth as the various suspects claim innocence.

The 12 episodes of the series are listed on Netflix as four separate shows, with four different casts, directors and languages spoken.

Tennant plays a criminal in the United Kingdom part, while there are also episodes that are set in Spain, Germany and France.

In the British episodes, watch out for Katherine Kelly as a spiky police detective, with colleagues played by Line of Duty’s Rochenda Sandall and Marcella actor Nicholas Pinnock. Hayley Atwell also plays a suspect.

Billed as a “stripped down, cat-andmouse drama”, expect intense mental conflict, unique stories, and Line of Duty-style interrogat­ion scenes that will leave you exhausted but desperate for more.

Thank goodness binge-watch. it’s all available to

 ??  ?? David Tennant
David Tennant

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