Daily Mirror

F Nadiya’s Time To Eat, BBC2



un TV quiz. Guess which new series featured this quote last night: “I’ve started to embrace every cheat in the book.”

Was it Katie Price discussing her love life on My Crazy Life? Or Nadiya Hussain on creating quick and easy meals?

It was Nadiya – although there is every chance Katie said something similar on her show. I didn’t watch it.

Her programmes are no longer a guilty pleasure for me. Instead, I feel guilty for ever having watched them.

Speaking of which, do something more useful with your time is Nadiya’s latest mission statement. She wants to help busy parents spend less time cooking so they can enjoy family life.

She had loads of advice, including a great hack for peeling garlic – leave the bulbs in boiling water for a minute. She also gave her blessing to store cupboard cheats such as dried herbs and frozen fruit. Her main course even contained – shock, horror! – tinned potatoes.

Unfortunat­ely, her explanatio­n “tinned vegetables aren’t a bad word” suggested she might need to spend a little time learning to count.

Her family loved the tray bake she made using the potatoes though. Her son even said it was good enough for Gordon Ramsay. “I don’t know how Gordon would feel about tinned potatoes,” Nadiya laughed.

Well, Nadiya, you know that shift you did as a mushroom plucker in this episode? Gordon might call you something that sounds a bit like that.

Her main course even used – shock, horror! – tinned spuds

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