Daily Mirror



BREXTREMIS­T billionair­e Sir Jim Ratcliffe should at the very least be stripped of his knighthood at Heathrow when Britain’s richest man flees the country he’s wrecking.

Escaping to Monaco to save up to £4billion in a squalid tax haven on the Med is traitorous when the Rat’s abandoning the ship he’s sinking after he clamoured for a Brexit Britain.

Loyalty to personal wealth is paramount when details of his dirty little secret follow Brexit boss James Dyson switching his

HQ from Blighty to Singapore, and while loaded Tory banker Jacob Rees-Mogg opened a city fund in Dublin to remain within Europe while forcing everyone else to leave.

Never has Brexit felt such a plaything for a footloose wealthy elite who incited enough working people to vote for economic suicide in the knowledge first class tickets and private planes await to fly them to

I noted Tories complained to Theresa May about schools, health and policing at last week’s PMQs. The Conservati­ve MPs should write letters to themselves. It’s their government. Jeremy Corbyn is right to challenge Labour splitters to fight immediate by-elections.

He’s a democrat and defecting MPs elected as Labour betray constituen­ts by swapping rosettes without seeking fresh public mandates.

But neither Corbyn, nor I for that matter, expects new quitters to risk £77,000 a year plus expenses at the ballot box when six former Labour safety. Nissan stalling, Flybmi’s grounding, Sony and Panasonic relocating to Holland, P&O registerin­g the Spirit of Britain in Cyprus or the Bank of England warning Brexit’s cost £800million a week since a referendum squeaked by lies and illegality doesn’t matter tuppence to insulated Rat-cliffes and James Diceys.

Labour’s shrewd Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell’s analysis of a British economy working for the few not the many, millionair­es not the millions, strikes a chord and his MPs already sit tight. Faint hearts with salaries to protect recall Bruce Douglas-Mann, the only one of 28 Labour MPs joining the ill-fated SDP in 1981 to fight a by-election, lost his seat.

So let’s introduce a law automatica­lly requiring MPs playing party games to stand again within three months.

We’ll soon discover if people voted for them or the party they’ve just dumped. CHALLENGE Jeremy Corbyn answers are popular. Voters approve of Labour’s £10 an hour minimum wage, higher taxes on bigger earners, controllin­g corporatio­ns, tougher regulation, stronger trade unions, investment in public services and renational­isation of rail, water, gas, electricit­y and mail.

Yet the inability of Jeremy Corbyn’s party to blast its way into a commanding lead in the polls over weak Theresa May’s divided, bitter, incompeten­t, chaotic Tories sets alarm bells ringing. Brexit is undoubtedl­y a major factor why confused Labour isn’t consistent­ly 10, 15, 20, even 25 points ahead with Corbyn and McDonnell on a guaranteed course to Downing Street. The stubborn refusal by socialists genuinely committed to championin­g the working class to set itself up as a party struggling to keep us in Europe, when the exit bill will be paid by people left behind by the likes of Ratcliffe and Dyson, is more perplexing with every billionair­e Brextremis­t bolting from Britain.

Never has Brexit felt such a plaything for a wealthy elite

Brexit? What Brexit? I didn’t hear the big issue of the mo mentioned at the weekend when tagging along as Labour MPs Jo Stevens, left, Kevin Brennan and Christina Rees knocked on Cardiff doors ahead of a council contest on Thursday. Maybe most folk really are less interested than both sides think.

How rubbish is Birmingham City Council when bin workers tomorrow resume strikes in a dispute stretching back to 2017. The Labour local authority inflamed the row with “secret” payments to dustmen who never walked out. What a dirty business.

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