Daily Mirror

Hubby’s school mum pals are making me so jealous


Dear Coleen

I’ve been married for seven years and we have a five-year-old daughter who started school in September.

My husband has his own business and works from home, so he does the picking up from school and ferrying to activities and clubs, while I commute to my nine-to-five job, getting home at 7pm in time for my daughter’s bedtime story.

It’s a great arrangemen­t that suits us both and our daughter is happy too.

My only issue is that my husband has become good friends with a group of mums he’s met at school and at after-school clubs. He’s the only dad in their group.

They often do playdates or help each other out with pick-ups and so on.

I’m not part of it though as I’m very rarely at school and I’m starting to resent my husband a bit for it.

He’s also especially friendly with one of the mums whose little girl is my daughter’s best friend, and I’m a little jealous.

He spends a lot of time with these women, but I know that if I say something he’ll think I’m insecure and needy, and probably laugh.

He’s done absolutely nothing to suggest he’s cheated or anything like that. And deep down I don’t believe he ever would.

He’s a really great dad and a wonderful husband, so I don’t want to make a big deal of this, but it still niggles at me. Any suggestion­s?

Coleen says

I’d probably feel a bit jealous too, and perhaps a bit left out of things. But when you’re doing the lion’s share of the childcare, it is important to be part of a network of parents so you can help each other out and just offload on them. You can’t expect him not to be involved just because he’s a man.

Why not be honest and say you feel a bit cut off from the other parents and from quite a bit of your daughter’s life. Talk about ways you could be more involved. Could you arrange a playdate at the weekend and get to know the other mums a bit better or arrange a parents’ night out? I think that would help you feel less insecure. And work out if you could get to more school events. I don’t think you can tell your husband not to be friends with these mums – that would come across as bonkers – but I think explaining that you feel you’re missing out will be enough to start a dialogue, and perhaps he’ll be a bit more sensitive to your feelings.

I’m sure if there were other dads going to school regularly, your hubby would be pals with them, but it just so happens that it’s mostly mums. You can’t give him a hard time for that.

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