Daily Mirror


Raider smashed car into biker dad and left him dying


A THIEF who raided Simon Cowell’s home killed a dad in a hit-and-run just days later.

Darren February, yesterday convicted of burglary, smashed into biker Ken Baldwin then left him dying on the road.

One officer said: “He is a danger to society.”

AS his hit-and-run victim lay dying in the road, Darren February could have helped try to save the stricken motorcycli­st’s life.

But the thug ignored dad-of-one Ken Baldwin, removed evidence from the scene then fled.

The horror crash came just 10 days after serial burglar February, 33, stole nearly £1million of jewellery from Simon Cowell’s home.

And a jury yesterday took less than half an hour to find him guilty of the raid. He is already serving eight and a half years for Mr Baldwin’s death.

February was uninsured and speeding along the wrong side of the road when he smashed head-on into the biker at 5am in Holland Park, West London, on December 14, 2015.

CCTV showed him get out of his wrecked Vauxhall Astra car and begin chatting on his mobile.

Prosecutor Louis French told a court: “He showed little regard to the man lying on the pavement. On the contrary, he walked back to the car, retrieved some property and was then seen jogging off. All this time he is still neglecting the deceased.”

February, who was out on parole at the time of the crash, admitted causing death by dangerous driving.

The victim’s ex Meryl Sadler-Baldwin said: “Prison is too good for him. He can live. If he had gone to Ken he might have saved him.” The couple’s daughter was 11 when he died.

February broke into Cowell’s West London house in the early hours of December 4, 2015. The music mogul, partner Lauren Silverman and son Eric, three, were asleep at the time.

The raider, who has a criminal record stretching back to when he was 12, dropped his haul of diamond jewellery and expensive watches after being chased by a security guard.

But his DNA was found on a glove near the scene, Isleworth crown court,West London, was told.

Detective Sergeant James Howarth said after the hearing: “Darren February is a danger to society.”

February of no fixed address, admitted burglary. He will be sentenced tomorrow.

Prison is too good. He can live. If he’d gone to Ken he may have saved him MERYL SADLER-BALDWIN VICTIM’S EX ON THE KILLER

 ??  ?? GUILTY Death driver February. Inset, Cowell
GUILTY Death driver February. Inset, Cowell
 ??  ?? February killed motorcycli­st Cowell slept during theft
February killed motorcycli­st Cowell slept during theft
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? TARGET Music mogul’s London home
TARGET Music mogul’s London home
 ??  ??

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